Nov. 16, 2020

+ Read Dc. Tom’s Blog post about Pope Francis’ message on the 4th World Day of the Poor.

Cookbook cover

+ Pre-order sales for the Amazing Tastes Cookbook must be mailed in by this Friday, Nov. 20. The cookbook, a compilation of over 200 our parishioners’ very best recipes, will go on sale after Masses beginning Saturday, Nov. 28 and Sunday, Nov. 29. Sales will continue for the next three weeks or until we sell out of books. The price for this “priceless book” is $20. Download an order form here.

+ Did you get a chance to watch the latest episode of our Thankful Thursdays series: How Do You Show Gratitude? If not, watch it here and then pray and reflect, as Fr. Jim asks, upon the many gifts God has given us.