Welcome to the blog of Deacon Thomas Picciano. Published usually three days a week, this blog gives you another avenue of reflection.
To read Dc. Tom’s posts from 2020, click here.
March 13, 2023
“God listens to the cry of those who invoke Him…” Pope Francis 12-9-2020
It’s been ten years since Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio became Pope. He took the name Francis, the first Holy Father to do so. A member of the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, as Cardinal he served in his native Argentina. He liked taking public transportation there, being among the people.
I often look for the daily posting under Pontifex, the Pope’s “handle” on Twitter. Some I’ve printed out and keep on the bulletin board here in the office. They’re thought-filled and inspiring. One of my favorites—from almost 6 years ago— is very simple:
Prayer is powerful. Prayer conquers evil. Prayer brings peace. (March 30, 2017)
All his twitter postings are available on the Vatican News website. Today’s message (March 13, 2023) is below:
Thank you for having accompanied me with your prayers. Please continue to do so.
Read more about Pope Francis’ first ten years here: https://www.usccb.org/news/2023/10-years-pope-pushing-church-bring-gospel-world.
Deacon Tom
March 7, 2023
There is an appointed time for everything…
On Interstate 88, there’s a short stretch near Port Crane with warnings of ice…and deer and falling rocks. I don’t pay much attention to the yellow caution signs on most days eastbound along the Chenango River.
Certainly it’s a good idea to slow down when it’s wet…or snowy…to not slide around the road. Always important to look for deer who like to cross near sun-up or sundown.
There was something different the other morning. Dirt and small stones headed my way from the muddy hillside. Never seen that before. Glad that it didn’t hit the car. The mess stopped short of the road.
I looked for a patron saint of rock on the internet. Didn’t really find one…but there’s a stone preserved in a reliquary in Italy. It’s said to be the one that hit St. Stephen on the elbow as he was being stoned to death. First Christian martyr, one of the original deacons of the church. And a guy by the name of Saul who became Paul, witnessed it all.
“A time to scatter stones, and a time to gather them.” Ecclesiastes 3:5
St. Stephen, pray for us!
Deacon Tom
February 27, 2023
“Rejoice in the Lord always, I shall say it again, rejoice!”
We’ve shared many images of light in the blog. This one taken while moving along Route 17 is unique to me. I was a passenger in my brother’s truck and clicking away. Not a good idea to take photos while driving—as I usually am alone in a car.
To have a chance to really pay attention to the near-setting sun was amazing. I’m sure I took a breath and thanked the Lord for this sight. Calmness on His day, coming back from dinner. Thoughts now of words from Philippians above and below.
“The Lord is near. Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4: 5-7
Deacon Tom
February 13, 2023
I decided to go to Calvary Cemetery on my way home from church on Sunday afternoon. It had been several weeks since I visited the family plots there. As I turned off Reynolds Road up the street toward the cemetery, a female deer bounded in front of my car. Quick braking, no collision.
Once inside the grounds, I saw a big heart on the bulletin board. Nice valentine for all to see. One line from 1 Corinthians 13. Just took time with that chapter the other day. Reminded me of many evenings my dad would read all of it aloud before we ate dinner.
You might say it was “dear” to him.
“Love is always patient and kind; it is never jealous; love is never boastful or conceited; it is never rude or selfish…Love does not come to an end.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-5, 8 (Jerusalem Bible)
St. Valentine, please pray for us!
Deacon Tom
February 10, 2023
“Open my eyes Lord…”
Most of us probably don’t think much about smell or taste. Yet I know some who have lost those due to COVID. Hearing is a blessing to listen to the sounds in nature or in music. There are devices to aid us with that. Then there’s sight. So many beautiful things God puts before us…until we don’t see as we expect.
My mom used to pray that she would always keep her sight. She had cataract surgery at the age of 88…both eyes. Came out OK for her.
Into my early 60s, I’ve had two eye doctor visits recently as he’s checked the start of cataracts for me. Found another minor issue too that should clear soon.
Makes me think of a meditative song from Jessie Manibusan, who I’ve seen in person several times and interviewed once. Connect at the link for the music plus interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtXQ-aWtzeU
“The ear that hears, the eye that sees—The Lord has made them both” Proverbs 20:12
Deacon Tom
February 3, 2023
“Cold and chill, bless the Lord.” Daniel 3:69
Almost 28-years ago we hosted an exchange student from Brazil at our home. Michael returned with his sister for my ordination. They visited again with their parents a few years after that. It was early May while the temperature was in the 50s.
One morning, while Michael’s mom was taking a walk, I saw her rubbing her arms. She looked at me, smiled and said: “frio.” I knew immediately that she was cold. “Si”, I said, “frio.” Though I don’t speak Portuguese, I know a few words in many languages. High school Latin has helped over the years.
Been praying for Mrs. Barbosa recently as she was hospitalized for about a month. Mike says she’s doing better now. She lives in Divinopolis, Brazil. Loosely translated, I think that means Divine city.
May His warmth be with you on this very chilly day!
“All you winds, bless the Lord; praise and exalt him above all forever.
Fire and heat, bless the Lord; praise and exalt him above all forever.
Cold and chill, bless the Lord; praise and exalt him above all forever.”
Daniel 3:65-67
Deacon Tom
January 30, 2023
“Persevere in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving…” Colossians 4:2
The words above are from a poster in one of the classrooms here at church. Seems like we reach out to God a lot. And there are so many needs we have. Can we be assured that He will answer the way we are asking? No. But we may forget that we are heard.
It’s important to offer thanks to Him as well. He is listening to us. Maybe we should just have a conversation, talk with Him. Perhaps offer words for someone. One who has no one else to pray for them.
Twice in the last few months I’ve asked for people to help me offer prayers of forgiveness. It was for vandalism first at my home and not so long ago at the rectory in Bainbridge.
How about trying a different focus on prayer beginning today?
“Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one another.” Colossians 3:12-13
Deacon Tom
January 23, 2023
God thunders forth marvels with his voice..
A few days ago it was raining pretty hard. I was chatting with someone who was tired of heavy downpours. Thought for a moment about it being January. Then mentioned that in a few months, we might be complaining that it is too sunny.
I guess weather gives us something to think about. Maybe take our minds off what else is going on in the world. Perhaps. Yet can’t we consider there may be blessings too?
Certainly didn’t want to deal with a few inches of wet snow on my sidewalk and driveway on a Monday morning. Interesting what a few people were saying about the snow. Isn’t it beautiful?
Amen. Thank You God.
“He does great things beyond our knowing. He says to the snow, “Fall to the earth”; likewise to his heavy, drenching rain.” Job 37:5-6
Deacon Tom
January 9, 2023
The Lord will be your light forever….
We’ve been blessed recently by some very bright sun. Seems that in the late afternoon rays are very strong. Maybe it’s the angle of the earth at this time of year.
Take a moment to reflect. Remember, He who is the Light…is among us. Isaiah foretold that coming in a few short verses. Keep them with us as we enter “Ordinary Time.”
“No longer shall the sun be your light by day, Nor shall the brightness of the moon give you light by night; Rather, the Lord will be your light forever, your God will be your glory. No longer will your sun set, or your moon wane; for the Lord will be your light forever.” Isaiah 60:19-20
Your light has come!
Deacon Tom
December 22, 2022
Do not be afraid; for behold I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all people. For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you who is Messiah and Lord. Luke 2:10-11
A friend used some words the other day which I think would apply well here: “Way cool!” Think about it, being a simple shepherd in the fields hearing about the birth of a baby. The miracle of life is so important. Yet they learned more, the Savior had arrived. Hard to believe?
Not so for us from so many centuries removed. Do we take it for granted? Maybe rushing around so much to get things done to “celebrate” we forget the simplicity of the event. The Virgin Mary gives birth to the Messiah and he’s in the manger among the animals. The shepherds are at his side.
Take a breath, reflect, pray and perhaps for a few short minutes remember: Jesus is the reason for the season.
Deacon Tom
November 29, 2022
Let us throw off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light. Romans 13:12
I like to spend time in church before I go home. Moments or minutes before the tabernacle. One late afternoon last week, I faced quite a contrast. Brightness streaming in the windows, bouncing off the pews. Yet still difficult to see areas plunged into the shadows. Almost an eclipse in front of me.
I reached for my phone. Snapped picture after picture from different angles. Glass of many colors leaving hues all around. Illumination from the setting sun was so strong it created an almost dream-like setting.
Our new church year has begun with Advent. Days will continue to get shorter, earlier sunsets until December 21st. That’s when it begins to reverse course, just days before we mark the birth of Jesus Christ the Lord on December 25th.
How will we use these next few weeks to get ready?
Our hearts should be as much prepared for the coming of Christ as if he were still to come in this world. — St. Charles Borromeo
Deacon Tom
November 23, 2022
God saw all that he had made, and indeed it was good. Genesis 1: 31 (Jerusalem Bible)
I’ve been going over many photos of times passed in the last couple of years. I’ve noticed many family gatherings. In those years, faces changed. The newborns and young ones added. Some older disappeared, gone home to heaven. Connections lost as others moved away. A few times we had those from distant lands who didn’t know what the holiday was all about, but joined in fellowship.
The important Thursday in November isn’t the same anymore. When I slide the door open and turn up the heat I’ll set the table. Only two of us this year with food imported from a local restaurant. I look forward to the time I’ll spend with my brother at that big table. And as we always do, a meal whenever and wherever always begins with a prayer of thanks.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Deacon Tom
November 14, 2022
“By your perseverance you will secure your lives.” Luke 21:19
Ever hear of stick-to-itiveness? How about persistence or resolve or determination or pluck? All synonyms for perseverance according to Websters’.
Pope Francis’ focused on it in his Angelus message on Sunday. “Perseverance: building goodness every day,” the Holy Father said. He added that it is to “remain constant in goodness, especially when the reality around us urges us to do otherwise.”
Then the pope suggested we ask what our perseverance is like: “Am I constant, or do I live faith, justice and charity according to the moment: I pray if I feel like it; I am fair, willing and helpful if it suits me; whereas if I am dissatisfied, if no one thanks me, do I stop?”
He defined it: “Perseverance is the reflection in the world of God’s love, because God’s love is faithful, it is persevering, it never changes.”
Do we have confidence to take it from there?
Deacon Tom
November 7, 2022
Knock and the door will be opened for you…
Do we always take the right approach when something is on our mind? We may work hard to get an answer, come up with a solution. Strive as we may, it is not always there.
What are we forgetting? Have we reached out to Him in prayer?
I took something to prayer silently during Mass on Sunday. I was waiting outside when it concluded. People were exiting from the front door. One spoke for a moment, then said: “I’m praying for you.” Then another stopped, the same words: “I’m praying for you.” And a third, “did you ever find…?” Then, “I’m still praying for you.”
Coincidence…probably not.
“The one who asks always receives; the one who searches always finds; the one who knocks will always have the door opened…” Matthew 6:8 (Jerusalem Bible)
Deacon Tom
November 2, 2022
“The Church of Christ, living as it does in the midst of these anxious times, continues unwaveringly in hope…”
Spent late Sunday afternoon in a favorite place for a meal. High above the Susquehanna River in Endicott at Roundtop Park. There were three of us eating at a picnic table. It has a view of east and west, not so much north and south. But it’s better now that most of the trees are empty.
I stood up to walk around a bit. Never really looked down at the pavement blocks before. I found a compass etched in stone. A few leaves dropped on top of it. Wasn’t really sure what direction they might be pointing. Then I got a link this morning.
I read some words in the breviary reading (above) that started this blog. Could the message continued below be directing us now?
“Time and again, in season and out of season it seeks to proclaim to our age the message of the Apostle: Now is the hour of God’s favor, the hour for change of heart; now is the day of salvation.”
—From Gaudium et Spes, the pastoral constitution of the Church in the modern world of the Second Vatican Council, December 7, 1965
Deacon Tom
October 28, 2022
“My child when you come to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for trials.” Sirach 2:1
Been praying a lot lately. Spending time at home in the morning and evenings. Stopping by church, in Vestal and Bainbridge and Afton, just to be with Him. There have been many things on my mind that seemed unresolved.
Yet after a few minutes before the tabernacle, I feel a sense of calmness. Sometimes before I leave the building I get an answer. Including a phone call yesterday afternoon. Someone had reached out with an offer to help.
Thought about it again a few minutes ago near the statue of the Blessed Mother in the living rosary here at St. Vincent de Paul Blessed Sacrament. Nice place to visit.
Mary who can untie knots, please pray for us.
Deacon Tom
October 24, 2022
Bless the Lord God in everything, ….
I’ve always liked Autumn. My earliest memories come from the woods near Deer Lake. Loved the crunching sound of the leaves under my feet. Lots of different colors. Back near my aunt and uncle’s cottage there was a big maple. Never understood why we raked underneath that tree. Always walked through the piles anyway.
God gives us so much beauty this time of year. I miss those days in that forest. But I still seek out the leaves on strolls now.
The words of Tobit are quoted above. Let’s finish that verse as we consider where He is leading us on our life’s journey.
…beg him to guide your ways; and bring your paths and purposes to their end.” Tobit 4:19 (The Jerusalem Bible)
Deacon Tom
October 21, 2022
I will be back…
October 21st is the tenth anniversary of the canonization of Mother Marianne Cope. She was born in Germany and her family came to Utica when she was a young child. Marianne worked in factories there to support her family. She eventually joined the Franciscan sisters in Syracuse.
She was involved in health care. She helped found St. Elizabeth’s in Utica and St. Joseph’s in Syracuse. As superior of the order, Mother Marianne answered a call to help in the Kingdom of Hawaii with five others. On the day she left, she said she would be back. It was quicker than expected, as she had to return that very day because she forgot her purse. That was the last time she would be in Syracuse alive.
The remainder of her life was spent in Hawaii, eventually serving with St. Damien. She took over after his death from leprosy on Molokai. She did eventually come back to Syracuse—just her remains—on her way to sainthood in 2010.
Mother Marianne, please pray for us.
Deacon Tom
October 11, 2022
“Just so, your light must shine before others…
I was speaking with a parishioner a couple weeks ago. We spoke again this past week. Both times she brought up a verse from Matthew 5. Hadn’t thought much about it, until it was repeated.
Think perhaps of a beautiful sunset. So many colors…reds and orange and yellows. God sure knows how to give us brightness that we sometimes overlook.
In the midst of dark times, we sometimes forget our own light. Days are brightened by others for us. How often do we think of doing that for someone else?
Or, in these days of so many pictures on so many phones…share one of light with all those on your list. Courtesy of God.
…that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.” Matthew 5:16
Deacon Tom
September 27, 2022
It is our duty to prefer the service of the poor to everything else…
We honor our patron, St. Vincent de Paul on September 27th. It was 17 years ago that his statue was put on the sidewalk in front of the church. Along with his image, there are those he served. We see them in front, clutching his cloak from behind. They’re young, old. One has a crutch. Next time you go by, stop and take a close look.
Can we see the face of Christ in these people?
St. Vincent came from humble beginnings. He thought a call to the priesthood would bring a more comfortable life. God had different plans. A biography says he was “sensitive to the needs of the people and the difficulties of the church at the time.” Founder of the Congregation of the Mission and Daughters of Charity (with St. Louise de Marillac), he wanted his “priests and religious to be as sensitive to the needy as he was.”
“With renewed devotion then, we must serve the poor, especially outcasts and beggars. They have been given to us as our masters and patrons.” ——–From a writing by St. Vincent de Paul
St. Vincent, merci de prier pour nous! (please pray for us!)
Deacon Tom
September 26, 2022
There is a season for everything…
I borrow the words of Ecclesiastes from the Jerusalem Bible. It gives much to think about. Summer was hot and humid and dry. Still enjoyed spending time with family and friends outdoors. Grew many flowers and vegetables over the warm months.
Suddenly on Thursday, Autumn arrived. Some rain, some cold, some wind since. Green leaves still on the trees, yet a few have turned slightly and dropped off. A multicolored one lay on the sidewalk outside the church.
Makes me ponder the passage of time seemingly all too fast. I remembered St. Francis of Assisi’s Canticle of Brother Sun and Sister Moon. I share it here from the Ignatian Solidarity Network:
Deacon Tom
September 15, 2022
I stood in the rain Sunday evening with others at Highland Park in Endwell not too far from a twisted piece of metal from the Twin Towers. A mix of speech and music marked annual ceremonies on the day of the 9-1-1 attack—now 21-years ago.
Earlier in the day, after Masses in Afton and Bainbridge, parishioners of St. Agnes and St. John’s took part in the blessing of Peace Poles in front of their churches. We offered many intentions for peace.
Webster’s College Dictionary defines “peace” as a state of tranquility or quiet. That’s been a theme for me since Sunday. Thought about it too with the sound of horses’ hoofbeats on pavement. And the silent marching in unison of family during solemn transfers of Queen Elizabeth’s coffin.
Darkness arrives sooner now. Easier to turn off the TV and computer. Setting aside the phone and its’ messages. Time to offer prayer to Him and then close the eyes.
In peace I will lie down and fall asleep, for you alone, LORD, make me secure. Psalms 4:9
Deacon Tom
September 8, 2022
“Quiet now! Be Calm!”
I was silent Sunday night. No calls to or from anyone. Nary a text. Emails sat untouched. TV on in the background. Tuned into prayer and adoration with Shalomworld.org. Eventually drifted off to sleep.
Night became morning, just a half hour from noon. I finally arose. Still not speaking. Hours later, an early evening phone call broke the silence. First communication with another in more than 24-hours. This Labor Day, unlike so many in the past. I rested.
My days are usually filled with phone calls, messages, and emails. Travels from one place to another. Meeting people. Not unlike a storm at sea.
Remember the apostles in a boat frightened by the breeze and the waves, scared they would die? Jesus slept in the stern, head on a cushion before he silenced it all. Eased their fears.
“The wind dropped. All was calm again…They were all filled with awe and said to one another, ‘Who can this be? Even the wind and the sea obey him.’” Mark 4:39,41 (Jerusalem Bible)
Deacon Tom
August 29, 2022
Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. James 4:8
We have the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Just wondering what it would be like to experience Him in a different way, say face-to-face.
While that’s not possible, perhaps the next best thing is among rhododendron bushes just off the parking lot. A sculpture of Jesus sits with outstretched hands, chalice in one, a host in the other. Very welcoming. Many go there to sit on the bench to reflect or read or pray.
The figure has been dubbed by some as “Harley Jesus” as it appears to them that he could be on a motorcycle. I think it’s time for a change.
Two people had been sitting and praying there for some time the other day. When they stopped to leave, I mentioned the above name. The woman quickly told me…”I call him my Buddy Jesus.”
Seems fitting, doesn’t it?
“As the Father loves me, so I also love you….No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:9,13
Deacon Tom
August 15, 2022
“Headed in the wrong direction? God makes U turns.”
Waiting at a stop light? Much to look at while time passes. It’s possible there’s a message in a couple of minutes. Just look.
I was coming down the Vestal Parkway after a visit to a nursing home and pulled behind a line of cars. One had an interesting license plate holder with the words quoted above.
I put many miles on the car each week. This made me think. Have I ever taken the wrong road or turned in the wrong direction?
Our lives are like that…could be headed down the wrong path. Maybe going in a direction we shouldn’t take? We realize, we understand, and God helps. It’s ok to make a “U” turn. More precisely, God can make “you” turn away from what’s not good.
Make known to me your ways, LORD; teach me your paths. Psalm 25:4
Deacon Tom
August 1, 2022
“He holds in his power the soul of every living thing…” Job 12:10
I was walking near the ornamental grass the other day. Suddenly, a startled deer behind took off running along the dry creek-bed. Zipped across Clubhouse Road, south by the apartments, along the road by the Jewish Community Center. All this in seconds.
Friday, I was driving on the Route 201 bridge over the Susquehanna River. Perhaps 20 feet above was a huge bird with extended wings and a white tail. Just saw the distinctive white head before I had to get my eyes back on the road. Would have liked a picture of that westbound Bald Eagle.
Sunday morning, getting in the car. Was that a dog trotting through the neighbor’s front yard? I peeked around a tree. No, it was a small fox headed across the street and behind the house on the other side.
I feel blessed. Three short animal encounters in a handful of days. Be watchful, what might you see this week?
“Seek information from birds of the air. The creeping things of earth will give you lessons and the fishes of the sea will tell you all…this state of things is all of God’s own making. “ Job 12:7-9 (Jerusalem Bible)
Deacon Tom
July 25, 2022
I found three chalk messages on the church sidewalk the other day. Thought of really warm summers as a kid when we spent all day outside with friends or siblings. If we had too much time with each other things could get a bit too loud or physical. We’d forget how important we were to each other. Mom urged us to “play nice.”
July 25th is the Feast Day of James the Greater. With his brother John and friend Peter, they made up a very important trio of apostles for Jesus. Remember how all three were there for the Transfiguration? The Gospel for this day has James and John’s mother asking if her sons could sit at Jesus’ right and left in the Kingdom. Jesus asked them:
‘” Can you drink the chalice that I am going to drink?” They said to him, ‘we can.’”
James was the first apostle martyred, by Herod. His relics are in Spain at the end of the Camino de Santiago, the walk of St. James.
Santiago, ruega por nosotros! St. James, pray for us!
Deacon Tom
July 20, 2022
All the days of the earth, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat,
Summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. Genesis 8:22
It’s hot. It’s humid. The sun is bright. Not easy to look at when taking a picture. There’s some sort of glow to it too.
In the past few days, there’s been record heat—in triple digits in England. Unheard of in that country. People flock to waterways to get cool. Parched grass catching fire, spreading to homes and businesses consumed by flames. Scary to see video of what’s happening there. Some might say it is of “biblical proportions.”
Perhaps, but first reflect on the verse from Genesis above. Maybe read the whole chapter. It’s the end of the journey with Noah and the Ark. The flood waters receded, humans and animals were again on dry land. After Noah offered a sacrifice, the Lord said he wouldn’t repeat such destruction again…
“Nor will I ever again strike down every living being, as I have done.” Genesis 8:21
Deacon Tom
July 7, 2022
“The flowers appear on the earth, the time of pruning the vines has come,”
Song of Songs 2:12
I was driving on Route 7 between Afton and Bainbridge this morning alongside lots of corn plants. They’re not “high as an elephant’s eye” yet. But with the growth over the past few days, that will likely come soon.
I started to smile when I pulled into a parking spot near St. John’s Church. In front of me, the annual crop of the flowers pictured above. God must have sent Terri at the same time. She prepares the arrangements for the church. And she listened to my plea to have some of the daisies appear on the back altar for Sunday.
Back home, tomatoes on the deck are really getting tall. Dozens of the cherry variety are forming on the vines…while a couple larger kinds are taking more time. Lettuce has come up from last year in window boxes. Homegrown salad soon!
Found a message from St. Ignatius that appears on a gardening website:
“It is not enough to cultivate vegtables with care. You have the duty to arrange them according to their colors, and to frame them with flowers, so they appear like a well laid table.”
Deacon Tom
June 22, 2022
“Do not let your mind be troubled over anything that shall happen to me in this world. Nothing can come but what God wills.” St. Thomas More
It’s been a few years since I was last “across the Pond” to England. One memory comes from visits to the Tower of London. Originally built as a fortress about one-thousand years ago, it became the place for executions of those who fell in disfavor with the monarchy.
June 22, 1535 is the day when the Bishop of Rochester (England) John Fisher, lost his head while staying true to the Catholic Church. His crime was going against King Henry VIII’s desire to have a divorce.
A few days later the Chancellor of England, Thomas More, was also beheaded for defending Catholicism. His window at the tower is pictured above. Someday, I’d like to visit the inside of the rooms behind the glass.
Both men were canonized in 1935. We remember St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More each June 22nd. Perhaps it’s from my many English visits that I consider both my patron saints. And, I graduated from St. John Fisher College in Rochester, NY and share St. Thomas More’s first name.
As in past years, it’s also the start of Religious Freedom Week as proclaimed by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Learn more by clicking this link:
“All who are still to be counted among Christians will know the great kindness of God toward us and never cease in singing his divine praises.”
St. John Fisher
St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher, please pray for us!
Deacon Tom
June 13, 2022
“You visit the earth and water it, make it abundantly fertile.“ Psalm 66:10
This is an amazing time of year as spring works its way into summer. We’re blessed by an assortment of plants. Some will bring forth fruit to eat. Others will provide beauty. It’s all a sign of continuing growth offered to us by God.
Each year, I search out the reds and greens and yellows and purples and more in the plant group called coleus. There are patterns and unique shapes too. Always look forward to seeing what’s new.
Monday, as I visited parishioners at their home in the hills of Binghamton, I was pleased to see their annual collection of coleus. Snapped a photo of some pots ready to go into place there. A couple weeks ago, as in previous years, they shared a few of the colorful herbs to add at my home this growing season.
Have you thanked God for your favorite plants or flowers or trees this year? Maybe look ahead to what’s still to come.
“The earth has yielded its harvest.” Psalm 67:7
St. Isadore the farmer, pray for us!
Deacon Tom
June 1, 2022
The LORD bless you and keep you!
I’ve been thinking and praying a lot lately. Trying to understand what’s taken center stage in our world. Death and destruction in Ukraine. Killing of people shopping in Buffalo…and going to church in California…and young people celebrating the nearly last day of school in Texas.
I have a painting of Jesus in my office in Bainbridge. Took a few minutes yesterday to reflect on it. I remembered His request to let the little children come to Him as reflected in that artwork. And they have. Funerals are taking place throughout the week at Sacred Heart and other churches in Uvalde.
Started a new book “Living Calm” by Dr. Ray Guarendi on Monday. Lots to ponder so far. Also, I’ve come across what’s being called a Pentecost Blessing 2022 online. Above is the picture of some who took part in preparing this—from 154 countries in 227 languages over the last two years.
Please click on the link below(skip past the ads) and in the midst of all that’s going on…this will bring you joy!!!
The LORD let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you!
The LORD look upon you kindly and give you peace!
Numbers 6:24-26
Deacon Tom
May 25, 2022
Gracias por ayudarnos. Queremos ser como Jesús. Cuente con nuestra oración
Last night in Sacred Heart Roman Catholic church in Uvalde, Texas people gathered to mourn the killings of elementary school students and teachers. The Archbishop of San Antonio, Gustavo Garcia-Siller was there. The local newspaper, the Texas Tribune quoted him:
“We cannot just say this is going to happen again,” Garcia-Siller said. “Something has to be done.”
In a Twitter post, the Archbishop reached out to Pope Francis on Tuesday evening:
“…say some prayers for the souls of our little ones killed today and two teachers. Uvalde is in mourning. The families are having a very dark time. Your prayer will do good to them.”
Pope Francis responded:
“I am praying for the children and adults who were killed, and for their families. It is time to say enough to the indiscriminate trafficking of arms. Let us all commit ourselves so that such tragedies can never happen again.”
The archbishop’s words translated from the beginning of this blog:
“Thanks for helping us. We want to be like Jesus. Count on our prayer.”
What prayer can we offer on this day?
Deacon Tom
May 19, 2022
“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.”—Julian of Norwich
There are several messages above my desk here at St. Vincent Blessed Sacrament. I think often of Julian’s words, especially when it’s a challenging time. I’ve carried and shared the message with others over many years.
A couple weeks ago, I was visiting soon-to-be ordained Deacon Greg at his house. He had a beautiful painting of a street scene (of Paris I think) hanging near his desk. Taped to the bottom of the frame. “All shall be well…”
It’s been a joy to accompany Greg as his mentor on the journey. He will become one of ten ordained on Saturday, May 21 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Syracuse. The latest data shows he’ll join an estimated 19,000+ permanent deacons in the United States. As Greg often says: “God willing.”
Welcome brother!
“Acquire a fresh, spiritual way of thinking. You must put on that new self—created in God’s image, whose justice and holiness are born of truth.” Ephesians 4:23-24
Deacon Tom
May 16, 2022
“The heart of the intelligent acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.” Proverbs 18:15
Remember the scene in the Wizard of Oz where the “great and powerful” is revealed as the man behind the curtain? Then he’s a bit flustered when he has to help Dorothy and her friends for real. How about when the scarecrow becomes a math wiz right after he’s given a diploma?
I received a certificate from Syracuse University and LeMoyne College last week. Since September, I’ve spent some days in Syracuse twice and three times via Zoom. There was lots of coursework in between to complete FELM. (Fellowship of Emerging Leaders in Ministry)
We shared our knowledge on Friday afternoon in person with Rev. Brian Konkol of Hendricks Chapel at the University and Letty Garcia of the Harvard Business School. That’s when we voiced individual prayers that became one.
I prayed for presence and presents—for being together again and for the gift that each of us offered as a person.
“The Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name — he will teach you everything.” John 14:26
Deacon Tom
May 9, 2022
I was stuck in a traffic jam for a time on Sunday afternoon. But it was at an unusual place and an unusual time. Most of the Lord’s days I stop off at Calvary Cemetery. It’s rare to see anyone around, except for one or two “regulars” like me. We’re there rain or shine and sometimes snow too.
But on this May 8—Mother’s Day–many gathered around graves and at the mausoleums. Had to watch out for cars everywhere.
Lots of planting going on too…I put in a few marigolds by my mom’s grave…only to find my brother stopped by later to add more.
I think the Mothers who are no longer with us would be happy that their children and grandchildren stopped by to visit.
“I give thanks to my God at every remembrance of you…” Philippians 1:3
Deacon Tom
May 2, 2022
“Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer.” Romans 12:12
A lot has happened since the last blog a couple weeks ago. Remember that storm? So many were touched by the heavy, wet precipitation.
I ventured to Bainbridge shortly after Interstate 88 was cleared, but a foot of snow remained on the ground. A tree had fallen behind the garage at St. John’s Church. And at St. Agnes in Afton, two days without electricity and heat killed off some Easter flowers.
I was able to speak with some of the St. Vincent Blessed Sacrament parishioners and others in Chenango County who lost power and/or trees. I prayed with and for people that week. I also learned of neighbors opening their homes for neighbors to keep warm. Some also cleared debris for others. I think that’s how Jesus taught us, eh?
“Persevere in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving…” Colossians 4:2
Deacon Tom
Easter 2022
Mary Magdalene’s statement to Peter and John on Easter morning set both of them running to where Jesus’ body was placed after the crucifixion. John’s Gospel describes the foot race to the tomb, where he finds just burial clothes. He waits for Peter to go in after looking at the rolled-up cloth that had covered Jesus’ head.
“He saw and believed” was John’s reaction to the Resurrection.
The other day I talked with a friend who attends St. Michael’s Greek Orthodox Church, where Easter is celebrated a week after us. He shared their Paschal greeting.
“Christ is Risen” he said. My response: “Indeed, He is Risen.”
Take a few moments to reflect on the words in the photo above. It’s on a sign at Calvary Cemetery.
Peace and Easter Blessings,
Deacon Tom
April 13, 2022
“I thank you Lord with all my heart…” Psalm 138:1
I was among God’s creation Tuesday afternoon at Transfiguration Monastery. Took a photo of a group of daffodils next to a small statue of the Blessed Mother. Though it looks like my new phone focused more on the guest house behind, than the flowers in front of it.
Hmmm…seems that’s the way we may prepare for Easter. Focused on Sunday and getting to it. But do we pay as much attention to what comes before—perhaps not so clearly seen? Holy Thursday’s Mass of the Lord’s Supper. Good Friday’s reading of the Passion and adoration of the cross. A time of waiting on Saturday before the Easter Vigil or Easter Sunday Mass.
I think God was leading my journey at the monastery. Walked among the trees and flowers. Watched the birds and some insects. Breathed in the still waters of the pond. Ambled down the dusty road near Sister Jean Marie’s grave. Concluded my visit with prayer—Vespers with Sisters Sheila, Donald and Miriam.
What time do you have planned to be with the Lord these next few days?
On the day I cried out, you answered; you strengthened my spirit. Psalm 138:3
Deacon Tom
April 11, 2022
“God has destined us for acquiring salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessalonians 5:9
It’s a good week for a walk. The weather is warming up, sunshine is here. We’re blessed with the outdoor stations of the cross. Can we make time?
Perhaps 15 minutes to start a few steps just off the parking lot. Stop at each…pray…reflect. Bring your own stations booklet if you wish.
The artwork on the boards outside the church has changed over the years, but the message is the same. Would you make a visit to the stations as a part of your Holy Week?
“The passion of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the hope of glory and a lesson in patience.” (From a sermon by Saint Augustine.)
Deacon Tom
April 6, 2022
The morning prayer group gathered as usual at St. John’s in Bainbridge on Tuesday, ahead of a busy day with emails, phone calls and in-person visits. A few bites of lunch thrown in too.
Already later than usual leaving for Broome County. I made the Sign of the Cross before starting. Drove out of the village, through the round-about, and up the ramp to Interstate 88. Moving to 65 MPH. Cruise control engaged. Then “whoosh” and “rattle, rattle, rattle.” Metal on metal. Pulled off to the side.
“Please Lord…” Carefully out of the car. Scary with cars and 18-wheelers flying by. Looked under from the back, didn’t see anything. Back to the driver’s seat.
Phone battery low. Calls to mechanic and AAA. Tow on the way. “Lord, please not too much longer.” State trooper pulls up, walks to the window. Told him about sounds and waiting for the truck. “Are you OK?” “Yes,” I answered. “Would you like me to stay behind you till he gets here?” “Yes, please,” I was thankful. A few more minutes before the flatbed with a man named Jim driving. “Thank you Lord.”
It took a total of 2-hours to get home in the truck, more than twice normal. Did I offer enough prayer? Some have told me they pray each day for my journey. Others ask for angels to guide me. Could it be angels were alongside a state trooper…and a man named Jim…perhaps beside me too yesterday?
“People who only know how to think about God at set periods during the day will never get very far in the spiritual life.” Thomas Merton
Deacon Tom
April 4, 2022
Prayer purifies us…
Lent this year has an added dimension. The Rosary has become part of our Sundays now. Bishop Lucia requested that we include it for Peace in Ukraine. It’s a peaceful way for us to prepare for Mass.
Some 14-hundred years ago St. Isadore was Bishop of Seville, Spain. It wasn’t an easy time in his world. The Visigoths had invaded and set up a kingdom, with their own capital. Isadore’s biographers also note that they were Arians, Christians who didn’t believe in Christ’s divinity.
St. Isadore was a writer of history and theology, including a text that was used for more than 900 years in seminary studies. The following comes from another of his works, Book of Maxims.
“Prayer is better than reading. Reading the holy Scriptures confers two benefits. It trains the mind to understand them; it turns man’s attention from the follies of the world and leads him to the love of God.”
Deacon Tom
March 28, 2022
“I too have decided, after investigating everything accurately anew, to write it down in an orderly sequence for you, most excellent Theophilus…”+
I opened the mailbox the other day. There were two items: an ad and a handwritten envelope. Looked like familiar handwriting. Didn’t open it too neatly.
Came from a distance…in both miles and time. Last year about this time I sent a letter to those who had been recipients of my mother’s Christmas letter. Explained that she’d died and offered to keep in touch if they wanted. I received one letter back. But never responded then.
Something prompted me to finally send an email a couple weeks ago. Ron’s letter arrived from Northern Ireland last week. He thanked me for the email then said “ I am still writing letters, I find email too long.” He remembered visiting here with my mom and family. He asked lots of questions about my siblings and I. Then words of how pandemic had changed life for Ron and his wife, yet things were returning to normal. The power of the written word.
Reminds me of some letters written to far-away places by a man named Paul who brought word of Jesus.
“Many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the events that have been fulfilled among us, just as those who were eyewitnesses from the beginning and ministers of the word have handed them down to us,” Luke 1:1-2
Deacon Tom
March 17, 2022
“I was St. Patrick.”
Each St. Patrick’s Day, my mother would get a card in the mail. Sometimes “signed” by the saint, other times blank. I always wondered until…I visited one of my mom’s friends a couple days before her death.
I readied to offer prayers as Madeline lay in bed in the middle of her living room. She sent her son off to the freezer to get some baked goods for me, then whispered: “I was St. Patrick.”
“All those cards for your mom on St. Patrick’s Day—I was St. Patrick,” she said, with a twinkle in her eyes. Days later, my mom and I shared one of Madeline’s last baked breads in her memory.
“Christ be with me, Christ before me,
Christ be after me, Christ be within me.”
From a prayer of St. Patrick
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day
Deacon Tom
March 15, 2022
God is light…
We’ve arrived at the homestretch of winter. I was in Bainbridge for the weekend. The snow kept coming. It piled up. Then it stopped, waited a few hours, and resumed again. About a foot in all.
The gathering of flakes were cleared enough for a handful of people to make it to church Sunday morning. Cold and somewhat wet on the way in. By the time the 11am started, people could see light coming in through the stained-glass windows.
Sun greeted those leaving. Smiles as people realized that more is on the way. As the weather warms this week, spring can’t be far behind.
“If we walk in the light as he is in the light, then we have fellowship with one another.” 1 John 1:7
Deacon Tom
March 9, 2022
Do all you can to live at peace with everyone…
Sometimes we don’t realize the power of reaching out in prayer. In our parish, plus others in the diocese, those around our nation, and over the world. All this while holding a simple set of beads and repeating the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory-be.
While we want this to be helpful for those across the ocean, don’t we benefit as well? We can walk away with a feeling of calm after a Rosary. Paul’s Letter to the Romans offers us some food for thought.
“If you have hope, this will make you cheerful. Do not give up if trials come; and keep on praying.” Romans 12:11-12 (Jerusalem Bible)
Deacon Tom
March 7th, 2022
“Recognize to whom you owe the fact that you exist…”
St. Gregory tells us that it’s important that we breathe and understand and are wise and that we know God. Of less importance, “the visible world around us.” We’ve been gifted and we shouldn’t “hoard riches while others remain in need.”
And while “He sends down rain on just and sinful alike and causes the sign to rise on all” we’re reminded that God gave the “broad earth, the springs, rivers and forests to all earth’s creatures.”
“He has given abundantly to all the basic needs of life, not as a private possession, not restricted by law, not divided by boundaries, but as common to all, amply and in rich measure.” From a sermon by Saint Gregory of Nazianzen, bishop
Who can we share this with today?
Deacon Tom
March 1, 2022
#МолимсяВместе #Украина
#Pray Together #Ukraine
I’ve had the opportunity to take part in Rosaries in three different places in the last couple of days for peace. Very calming, very uplifting. With hope that God will hear the petitions of so many people around the world.
It’s been interesting to follow Pope Francis closely these last few days. He’s continuing his prayers for Ukraine. His message on Twitter at the end of February is above shown in Russian and English. It’s very simple…we’re asked to pray for that country under siege.
On Friday, the Holy Father paid a visit to the Russian Embassy to ask for peace. He spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy by telephone on Saturday. The president tweeted: “I thanked Pope Francis for praying for peace in Ukraine and a ceasefire. The Ukrainian people feel the spiritual support of His Holiness.”
A reminder that the Pope has asked all to use Ash Wednesday, March 2 as a day for increased prayer and fasting for peace in Ukraine.
Let us ask too for the intercession of St. Michael the Archangel.
Deacon Tom
February 24, 2022
“Let us never grow tired of doing good” (Gal 6:9)
Pope Francis had a simple message from Galatians on his twitter account today. In yesterday’s General Audience he spoke of the impending conflict in Ukraine and appealed for special prayer and fasting on March 2, Ash Wednesday.
Following today’s attack on Ukraine, Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin said:
“As believers, we do not lose hope for a glimmer of conscience on the part of those who hold in their hands the fortunes of the world. And we continue to pray and fast — as we shall do this coming Ash Wednesday — for peace in Ukraine and in the entire world.”
Our Bishop, Douglas Lucia of the Syracuse Diocese, wrote in part today:
“Let us pray for a conversion of heart and for an end to what one can only describe as the greatest threat to world peace since the end of the Cold War era.”
Bishop Lucia will hold a “Holy Hour for Peace” this Sunday, February 27th, from 2 to 3 pm at the Cathedral the Immaculate Conception in Syracuse or by livestream.
“This moment is a wakeup call for all believers. If we want to counter the works of evil and sin in our world it must begin with each one of us: ‘“Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me,”’ the Bishop said.
Deacon Tom
February 17, 2022
“When we pray, we speak to God; but when we read, God speaks to us.” St. Jerome
The nuns also have a used book store. It’s right off of Route 79. Convenient stop for those of us who can’t get enough to read. Purchased a few to give away, some to keep.
And in the mail yesterday, I received new-to-me books from a friend. She told me today that she’s gifting day by day for others. I look forward to opening them up too.
One of the books that many have, but don’t open so often is the Holy Bible. Perhaps today’s the day that you can try it out?
“There are also many other things that Jesus did, but if these were to be described, I do not think the whole world would contain the books that would be written.” John 21:25
Deacon Tom
February 14, 2022
“You have stretched forth the heavens and established the earth, creating all that exists…”
It’s quite a February 14th. There’s a new baby in my family. He had been due this day, but arrived last Thursday afternoon. My niece, her husband and two-year-old took a breath last night to call from Atlanta tell me more about Charlie’s birth.
There’s a lot of focus on red hearts and candy today. Did you receive any chocolate like I did? While love and St. Valentine take the big picture, it’s also a day to remember a pair of brothers who are saints.
Cyril and Methodius were missionaries who served the Slavic people in the 800s. It’s said they developed the Cyrillic alphabet too. St. Methodius taught alongside Cyril and was made a bishop after his brother’s death. Cyril was a priest who became a monk just a short time before he died on February 14, 869.
Cyril’s words at the top and below come from today’s breviary reading. They’re from a final prayer before his death.
“Make your people known for unity and profession of their faith. Inspire the hearts of your people with your word and your teaching.” From an Old Slavonic Life of Constantine.
Peace, Deacon Tom
February 9, 2022
“I have never seen a
removals van following a hearse!”
Death isn’t an easy topic. The Holy Father reminded us at this week’s General Audience that when we die, it’s alone with no possessions. He said it makes no sense to “accumulate” because we will die. Rather he asks us to “accumulate love, the ability to share, the ability not to remain indifferent when faced with the needs of others.”
Further he questions what’s the point of arguing or getting angry with another?
“Before death, many issues are brought down to size. It is good to die reconciled, without grudges and without regrets!” Francis added. Read his entire message here: https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/audiences/2022/documents/20220209-udienza-generale.html
We started a grief group here at St. Vincent Blessed Sacrament in 2018. Several have been with us since then, others have left. We get new people too, some from other parishes. One member has died. We’re blessed that our long-term group is now ministering to others in their grief.
“The Christian faith is not a way of exorcising the fear of death; rather, it helps us to face it. Sooner or later, we will all pass through that door.” Pope Francis, General Audience 2-9-22
St. Joseph, patron of a good death, pray for us!
Deacon Tom
Deacon Tom’s Blog for February 7, 2022
When you come to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for trials…
The last few weeks have been quite “trying”. We’ve had cold. Varied precipitation. It’s not been an easy 2022 so far weather-wise. Most of us had to dig out our vehicles once or twice in recent days. Funny how the ice hid beneath a couple inches of snow. I joked to someone that I had popsicles for cars.
Many prayers have been offered as we experienced the changing weather. Though the temperature (with or without windchill) dipped below zero, we’ve been blessed with sun too, which brings some warmth.
I found the bible verse above and the one below in the “Wisdom of Ben Sira” also known as the book of Ecclesiasticus. I think it helps as we deal with our challenging winter.
“Trust in God and he will help you; make your ways straight and hope in him.” Wisdom of Ben Sira 2:6
Deacon Tom
Deacon Tom’s blog January 26, 2022
I’ve been thinking and praying about communication these last few days. As a journalist, I’ve heard and seen much over the years. Yet a recent interaction I witnessed between two people was surprising. And a later comment directed at me was a bit discouraging.
The Holy Father released his message today for the World Day of Social Communications. Read about it at https://www.vaticannews.va/.
Pope Francis wrote that “we are losing the ability to listen to those in front of us, both in the normal course of everyday relationships and when debating the most important issues of civil life.” He said rather than listening to what someone has to say, we’re thinking about what our next comment will be.
January 24th is the feast day of St. Francis De Sales, who is the patron saint of writers. Accounts of his life say he was very effective in his writing and communication. This bishop and doctor of the church was remembered for “his gentle character and sensitivity to people of all walks of life.”
“The ability to listen to society is more valuable than ever in this time wounded by the long pandemic.” Pope Francis 1-24-2022
Deacon Tom
Deacon Tom’s blog January 20, 2022
“Survey the path for your feet, and all your ways will be sure.” Proverbs 4:26
The walk through the outdoor stations of the cross is nicely outlined in the snow. Thanks to Paul’s cleaning it’s easy to follow, just wet along the way. As we make our way through cold wintry days, I’m already thinking of a warmer spring not too far away.
Pope Francis’ audience today continued with catechesis on Joseph who he called a “father in tenderness.” While not much is recorded in the Gospel’s of Jesus’ early years, the Holy Father painted a nice picture for us.
“As the Lord had done with Israel, so Joseph did with Jesus: ‘he taught him to walk, taking him by the hand; he was for him like a father who raises an infant to his cheeks, bending down to him and feeding him’ (cf. Hos 11:3-4).It is beautiful, this definition in the Bible, that shows God’s relationship with the people of Israel. It is the same relationship, we think, that there was between Saint Joseph and Jesus.”
“Through Saint Joseph’s intercession, may we learn to follow Christ and to be witnesses to the transforming power of his divine love.” Pope Francis 1-19-2022
Deacon Tom
Deacon Tom’s blog January 12, 2022
“Here I am.
You called me.”
I had a busy day Tuesday on the telephone. You might say it was “phone-tag” with several calls back and forth. Eventually we connected and spoke. Things were resolved and I said “thank you.” Can be a bit frustrating in our world of instant communications when we can’t get through to each other right away.
Reminds me of the reading at Mass this morning from Samuel. He was sleeping near the “ark of God.” The first call from the Lord came to Samuel. He went to Eli the elder who was napping nearby and asked what he wanted. But Eli said he didn’t call him.
This happened twice more before Eli told him it was the Lord who was calling him. When he heard the voice again, Samuel used these words: “Speak, for your servant is listening.”
The Lord then revealed himself to Samuel. He later told Eli what the Lord had told him would come to his family. Eli readied himself with these words:
“It is the LORD. What is pleasing in the LORD’s sight, the LORD will do.” 1 Samuel 3:18
Deacon Tom
Deacon Tom’s blog for January 10, 2022
Be strong and steadfast!
I recently came across this verse from the Book of Joshua. I think it’s really helped me these last few days. We’ve had challenges—namely ice. Made it impossible to travel to some places on Sunday. Most of it is melted away, but there are still patches as you can see in the photo.
A dusting of snow this morning with sub-zero feeling weather has given us a reminder that winter is here. As much as we’d like it to be about 40-degrees warmer, we have a couple of months until spring. Was reminded yesterday that instead of worrying about what can’t be changed, we should always pray to Him whatever the circumstance.
Joshua took that to heart. The first chapter of the book spells out how he’ll lead the Israelites into the promised land. It’s after Moses’ death and a new generation will be following Joshua with God there for them.
“Do not fear nor be dismayed, for the LORD, your God, is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
Deacon Tom
Deacon Tom’s blog for January 5, 2022
“We must be resolute and bear and suffer as our blessed forerunners did. Which of them gained heaven without a struggle?”
I started at Seton High School in Endicott 200 years after the birth of Elizabeth Ann Seton. We were just months away from her canonization as the first U-S born saint. Hard to believe it was two centuries (plus a year) to the day yesterday that she died. That’s a quote from her above.
Elizabeth Ann Seton was born in 1774 in New York City. Baptized in the Episcopal Church, she married and had five children. Her husband took ill and they went to Italy where he died. That’s where Elizabeth converted to Catholicism.
Back home in NY, her friends didn’t accept her new faith as she tried to help young people. Eventually she moved to Maryland where she founded the first parochial school in the United States. She also formed the Sisters of Charity which grew in numbers after her death.
She is buried at the National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Emmitsburg, MD.
“The best of Fathers waits there to reward your duty and love. You may indeed sow here in tears, but you may be sure there to reap in joy.”—St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (from a conference to her spiritual daughters.)
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, please pray for us!
Deacon Tom
Deacon Tom’s blog for December 29, 2021
“Whoever wishes to come after me, must deny himself,
take up his cross, and follow me…” Matthew 16:24
I’ve stopped at many churches and cathedrals in my 15 visits to the United Kingdom. Spent time on the roof at Salisbury. On the lawn one sunny day at Winchester. Admired the huge structure of St. Paul’s in London. Attended Sunday Mass at Westminster Cathedral.
I’ve also been to the chapel at the Tower of London. That’s where a saint named Thomas’(More) body was buried for a time after being executed by a king named Henry (VIII) in 1535. Someday I’d like to see Canterbury Cathedral. That’s where 365 years earlier, another king named Henry (II) arranged for the death of another Saint named Thomas(Becket). It happened in front of the altar inside Canterbury on this day in 1170.
Both Saint Thomas’ were Chancellors of all England. By defending the faith over the realm, they became martyrs.
“Remember the sufferings through which the Church has grown…remember how the crown was attained by those whose sufferings gave new radiance to their faith.”
From a letter by Saint Thomas Becket, bishop
Deacon Tom
Deacon Tom’s blog December 23, 2021
Silent Night, Holy Night
From my earliest days this picture has been in my room. It’s with me in my bedroom all those decades later. I’m sure I don’t always pay attention to it, but these last few days it has drawn my attention. I snapped a pic this morning to share it with you.
Very simple, the Blessed Mother, St. Joseph and the baby Jesus under a tree. Three angels surround the Christ child nestled in the hay. This painting has influenced my understanding of the simplicity of his birth and entry into our world.
It makes me think of the song that the picture’s title comes from. Fr. Joseph Mohr wrote it in 1816 in Austria. His friend Franz Gruber put it to music two years later. On Christmas 1818, they sang it together. Mohr accompanied them on the guitar. I learned some details on Stille Nacht from the Silent Night Association website. You may want to read more there.
May you have a Blessed Christmas. Perhaps you can sing Silent Night as you gather with family and friends?
Silent night, holy night!
All is calm, and all is bright
Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child
Holy infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace
Fr. Joseph Mohr & Franz Gruber
Deacon Tom
Deacon Tom’s Blog for Monday, December 20, 2021
“May the Mother of God take us by the hand…”
Painted by Helen Picciano
The darkness came quickly Sunday evening. My brother and I worked to attach our hand-painted nativity scene to the front deck. My late mom was the artist. Bright colors and sparkles are chipping from six-decade old Masonite board. Tube lights will make it glow as strings of lights from neighboring homes illuminate the neighborhood.
Seems like Advent is ending too soon this year. At his Angelus yesterday, Pope Francis said we should be guided by the words: arise and to go in haste as we enter the “final stretch.”
Arise to “not get bogged down in problems, sinking into self-pity or falling into sadness” because “God is great and is ready to lift us up if we reach out to him.”
Go in haste not in a “agitated” or “hurried manner.” Instead, the Holy Father says:” It means conducting our days with a joyful step, looking ahead with confidence.”
…and may she help us to arise and to go in haste towards Christmas!”
Pope Francis Angelus 12-19-21
Deacon Tom
Deacon Tom’s Blog for December 17, 2021
The mystery of God hugs you in its all-encompassing arms…
Been thinking about a trip I took to Germany 25-years ago. I visited several areas of the then-recently unified country as part of a group of broadcast journalists. My trip began and ended in the West (Bonn and Frankfurt). Almost went back to Germany in 2019, but my mother’s illness kept me at home.
When I go there again someday, I’d like to return to the region near that part of the Rhine River. It would be nice to see smaller, older towns. I’d like to visit the Einbingen Abbey, which traces its history to St. Hildegard of Bingen.
She’s noted by the Franciscan Media Saint of the Day for December 17th, although her feast day is September 17th. A Benedictine abbess, she also carried many other titles including mystic. A quick look at some of her quotes online also revealed an incredible thinker and writer. The one above made me exclaim “wow.” St. Hildegard is also a mystic and doctor of the church.
“Everything that is in the heavens, on earth and under the earth is penetrated with connectedness, penetrated with relatedness.” St. Hildegard von Bingen
St. Hildegard, bitte bete fur uns (please pray for us!)
Deacon Tom
Deacon Tom’s blog for December 14, 2021
Let us begin again, for until now we have done nothing…St Francis of Assisi
I think it’s time for me to go back and pray at the tomb of St. Francis of Assisi. Great stone arches hold up the ceiling above the crypt. St. Francis’s remains are placed several feet above the ground. Two sets of pews are on each side of the altar.
My visit there, will be as it has been in the past, in the middle of the night, via the internet. Candles provide the only light. I can close my eyes and connect with God in this holy place. A nice way to come toward the end of the Advent season.
If you haven’t had time to set aside all the busy-ness of this time of year, please try it. There’s still time before Christmas to spend a few moments with the Lord.
“All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.” From the Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi
Deacon Tom
Deacon Tom’s Blog for December 8, 2021
“I am the Immaculate Conception”
Those are the words of Our Blessed Mother as she appeared to St. Bernadette in Lourdes, France in 1858. It happened by the river there. Since then, 70-recorded miracles of healings have occurred there.
It was four years before that on December 8th, 1854 that Pope Pius the ninth proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. Simply put, it means that Mary was conceived without original sin. He said: The Blessed Virgin Mary was, at the first moment of her conception, preserved immune from all stain of original sin. That’s what we celebrate today.
“She is humble. She is a masterpiece, whilst remaining humble, small, poor. In her is reflected the beauty of God, which is all love, grace, the gift of self.”—Pope Francis 2018
Peace, Deacon Tom
Deacon Tom’s Blog for December 6, 2021
“Peace to this household” Luke 10:5
Why’d I take a picture of a pair of my sneakers stuffed with treats? Mom always reminded us to leave our shoes out before bedtime on December 5th. We’d find candy or an apple or orange in the shoes we left by the front door the next morning. St. Nicholas Day of course!
Not much is known about the fourth-century bishop of Myra, a place that’s now part of Turkey. Most accounts of his life note that when his wealthy parents died when he was young, Nicholas thought it important to help those in need. As a bishop, it’s said he gave a dowry three different times for one family so their daughters could be married off. But the money was thrown through a window or chimney. That’s where the connection to secret gift-giving…and shoes with treats on December 6…came about.
“If a peaceful person lives there, your peace will rest on him.” Luke 10:6
St. Nicholas pray for us!
Deacon Tom
November 28, 2021
To you, O Lord, I lift my soul. Psalm 25
The responsorial psalm for the First Sunday of Advent is a good way to start the next four weeks.
Psalm 25…a good way to start Advent. A season of light…a season of preparation. A season of waiting and watching. It’s a season of contrasts. The calendar year is ending, the Church year has started anew. Our days are shorter now, but in a month, they’re start to get longer again.
Darkness is with us in the early morning and late afternoon, during a time when we prepare for the GREAT LIGHT. The earth is much closer to the sun this time of year, yet it’s colder. That’s because we’re tilted back…away from the sun. And we get closer as Christmas nears.
While planning everything for the weeks ahead, take time for prayer. Enter this on your electronic device or calendar. A simple name will do…Jesus.
Flood the path with light, we beseech you; turn our eyes to where the skies are full of promise—from a prayer by St. Augustine
Deacon Tom
November 22, 2021
Deacon Tom’s Blog
When will you be able to offer him a perfect performance…
Miss LaFrance was my piano teacher when I was about 10-years old. She put me to much work each week. I know I didn’t practice as much as I should have, but I tried. It was evident that I needed to do more. She died while I was her student. But her inspiration led me to another teacher. I kept with the 88-keys well into my high school years.
I borrow from St. Augustine’s words to begin and end the blog today. It’s from a discourse on the psalms in today’s breviary. It fits well with St. Cecilia, whose feast day is today.
She’s often pictured with a viola. A martyr of the early church, Cecilia is the patron of musicians. The Franciscan Saint of the Day notes that she was a young Christian of “high rank” who was responsible for the conversion of her brother and the man who was to be her husband.
Augustine’s writing has me wondering what music or voice we missed from Cecilia in her day.
…that you will in no way displease such a supremely discerning listener.
Deacon Tom
November 15, 2021
Deacon Tom’s Blog
“Lord, please let me see.”
It happened last Tuesday. I looked for much in the minutes after I sat on an operating table. As I laid back warm blankets went over me. Straps attached to hold me in place. Bright lights above didn’t. Didn’t really turn my head. They asked me to move up a bit, yet I was dizzy as the anesthetic went in. “Close your eyes,” the doctor said.
A few minutes later, someone called out: “Tom, Tom.” And it was over. Growth near my eyelids was gone. A wheelchair awaited, soon after out to the car. Not much pain followed in the next few days. Antibiotic cream for the incisions replaced by stitches.
I had fears of what could have gone wrong, how painful it would be, what I’d look like while it healed. I hadn’t paid attention to what I should have seen—trust in Him that brought me through.
I had a strong desire the next day for the Lord. Fr. Jim brought me the Eucharist. Thanks.
Jesus told him, “Have sight; your faith has saved you.” Luke 18:42
Deacon Tom
October 1, 2021
“We must abandon the future into the hands of God.”—Therese of Lisieux
I went in search of a flower. A small one when I arrived at church a short while ago. Off to the side on a bush was a single wary rose clinging to the branch. Doesn’t seem like much, but….
Today is the memorial of St. Therese of the Child Jesus. Also known as Therese of Lisieux for the town in Normandy, France where she spent her short life. She entered the Carmelites at 15 and died just 7 years later on this day in 1897. Canonized in 1925, she was named a Doctor of the Church one hundred years after her death.
It’s said that the “shower of roses” came from the “little flower” soon after she died. Her autobiography, Story of a Soul, was published posthumously. There’s an edition in the public domain. From that we quote part of one of her poems.
To scatter flowers!—that means, to speak of Thee—
My only pleasure here, where tears fill all the hours;
But soon, with Angel Hosts, my spirit shall be free
To scatter flowers.
St. Theresa, Little Flower of Jesus, please pray for us!
Deacon Tom
September 29, 2021
Angel is the name of their office, not of their nature….
St. Augustine says that nature is “spirit” from what they are and “angel” from what they do. Further in the Catechism #329, we learn that “with their whole beings the angels are servants and messengers of God.”
I’ve never encountered and angel personally. This morning as I looked around church, someone pointed to the one pictured, part of the tabernacle candle holder.
September 29 is the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, archangels. They’re they the only angels mentioned by name in scripture. Michael mostly in Revelation, Gabriel at the Annunciation in Luke’s Gospel and Raphael in Tobit.
Michael protects, Gabriel announces and Raphael guides.
“For the Lord himself, with a word of command, with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God, will come down from heaven and the dead in Christ will rise first.”—1 Thessalonians 5:16
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle!
Deacon Tom
September 27, 2021
It is our duty to prefer the service of the poor to everything else…
On your next visit to church, take a minute to walk around the sculpture of St. Vincent de Paul. There are five people with him. One is a girl holding a small animal. At his side is a man with one crutch. Three others cling to his cloak. All symbolic of the people he worked with.
It was 361 years ago today that St. Vincent de Paul died in Paris. Some accounts of his life write of a young priest who was looking for a comfortable life. Yet, he soon learned that his ministry would be among the poor and others to provide for “spiritual and material needs.”
Want to take more time to learn of a parish patron? There’s a display on the right bulletin board of the gathering space inside the church. Pictures and inspiring words for us all. Spend a few moments inside the church to the left of the altar. Roses are in front of his statue. And look for two of his relics in gold on either side of that. You may read more on St. Vincent de Paul here.
“Do the good that presents itself to be done.”—St. Vincent de Paul (quotes from In His Likeness by Reverend Charles E. Yost, SCJ, STL)
St. Vincent de Paul, please pray for us!
Deacon Tom
September 24, 2021
“From the rising of the sun to its setting let the name of the Lord be praised.”—Psalm 113:3
I heard another good reflection by Deacon Candidate Greg at Mass this morning. On the way out of church, I was quizzed as to the weather being part of today’s blog. Seems right, especially with the bright sun. Some green leaves are already falling from the trees, maybe due to all the rain lately. And as we’re in autumn, the colors will come soon.
Took a trip across the pond virtually a bit ago to the Shine of Our Lady of Walsingham. I watched a livestream of the statue of the Blessed Mother on this feast day of the National Shrine of Our Lady for Catholics in England. Originally established as a re-creation of Mary’s home in Nazareth in 1061, it was destroyed less than 500-years later during the Reformation. The Catholic Church re-established it in 1934. A statue from the Basilica there was part of Pope St. John Paul II’s visit to Wembley Stadium for Mass in 1982.
I’ve been to England fifteen times, never to this shrine in Norfolk. Seems like a good place to visit when I can go there again.
Our Lady of Walsingham, pray to the Lord for us!
Deacon Tom
September 22, 2021
God absolutely cannot reject the sincere desire to love him.
I did some searching for quotes from Padre Pio for this blog. What I found comes from an article in the National Catholic Register in February of 2017. Did you know there’s a National Centre for Padre Pio a little more than two hours from here, south of Allentown in Barto, Pennsylvania? It offers a re-creation of where the saint was born and lived.
Known as St. Pio of Pietrelcina, he lived his life in a small town in Italy. Most of his days were spent listening to confessions of the faithful. It’s said that if you didn’t tell all, he’d remind you of a sin. He carried the stigmata for fifty years until his death on September 23, 1968.
Pope St. John Paul II canonized him before a crowd of some 300,000 people in June of 2002. “For my yoke is easy and my burden light,” Pope John Paul said, “Jesus’ words to his disciples, which we just heard, help us to understand the most important message of this solemn celebration. Indeed, in a certain sense, we can consider them as a magnificent summary of the whole life of Padre Pio of Pietrelcina.”
“Do not worry over things that generate preoccupation, derangement and anxiety. One thing only is necessary: to lift up your spirit and love God.”—St. Pio of Pietrelcina.
St. Pio, please pray for us.
Deacon Tom
September 20, 2021
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.”
Pope St. John Paul II used the words of Matthew in Seoul on May 6, 1984. The Holy Father inaugurated Korea’s National Pastoral Conference and canonized many saints and martyrs that day.
The pope said they made the presence of Jesus visible and credible by their lives. “Only this living witness, sustained by great charity and evangelical zeal, can explain how the Church could grow even under the cruelest persecution.”
The martyred over a couple of centuries included people of all ages, some entire families and the first native Korean priest, St. Andrew Kim Taegon. He was baptized in his teens and soon entered a seminary in China. After ordination, he returned home to serve, until his death on September 26, 1846. Their memorial is today.
In the canonization homily in 1984, St. John Paul II said: “The blood of martyrs is the seed of Christians“: this phrase from the first centuries of Christianity is confirmed before our eyes.”
“The Lord is like a farmer and we are the field of rice that he fertilizes with his grace and by the mystery of the incarnation and the redemption irrigates with his blood, in order that we will grow and reach maturity.”—From the final exhortation of St. Andrew Kim Taegon, priest and martyr.
St. Andrew Kim Taegon and companions, please pray for us.
Deacon Tom
September 17, 2021
Build a chapel here…
In the past year and a half and more, I’ve written many words for you. Several times I’ve been drawn to Lourdes, France. That’s where the Blessed Mother appeared to St. Bernadette Soubirous, a peasant girl. And it’s where Mary said she was the Immaculate Conception.
To date, 70 people have been healed by the waters at Lourdes. Someday I’d like to visit there in person. I’ve made connections virtually, watching Mass and mostly joining in with the Rosary from there. I’ve sent prayer petitions too.
Took some time the other night to visit again. I reread the Blessed Mother’s message. I also learned five things I didn’t know about the Sanctuary at Lourdes. Check out the link here.
While you’re on the website, check out Lourdes TV. Join in a Rosary.
“Que soy era Immaculada Counceptiou.”
“I am the Immaculate Conception.”
Deacon Tom
September 15, 2021
Whatever you do whether in speech or in action, do it in the name of the Lord Jesus…
I remember Mom and Dad keeping an eye on us as we were growing up. If we said or did something wrong, we heard about it. Mostly kindly advice, but sometimes a stern response. Good guidance. Not so easy now without their intervention.
Maybe we’re ready to speak quickly when someone’s words get to us. Or we want to show just how we feel when faced with what we don’t like. How could it be different if we paused for a moment, then prayed silently and put it in His hands?
This section of Paul’s letter above and below in bold focuses on morals in response to God through Christ.
“…Give thanks to God the Father through him.”—Colossians 3:17
Deacon Tom
September 13, 2021
The waters have risen and severe storms are upon us, but we do not fear drowning…
The pandemic, 4-feet of snow, rain and more. Lots came upon us in the last year-and-a-half. But how often during that time have we forgotten to turn to the Lord? Perhaps we can look to the saint known as “golden-mouthed” for some advice.
I borrow from St. John Chrysostom’s words, featured in today’s breviary. He wrote that though the waters may rise, “they cannot sink the boat of Jesus.” As for things like death and poverty: “what are we to fear?”
St. John was born a bit more than 300 years after Jesus Christ’s death and Resurrection. His feast day is September 13.
“I concentrate therefore on the present situation, and I urge you my friends to have confidence.” from a homily by St. John Chrysostom, bishop
Deacon Tom
September 10, 2021
I am the light of the world…
Time for reflection, remembrance and prayer these next few days. Difficult to believe that twenty years have passed since September 11th. Nearly 3,000 people were killed in NYC, at the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania.
Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles is the president of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. We quote a portion of his statement for 9-11. The archbishop notes: “This violence, borne of the worst evil in the human heart, also brought out the best in our humanity.”
“May God inspire in all of us to seek fellowship, reconciliation, and common purpose,” Archbishop Gomez added.
“We ask God to bring comfort to those who mourn and peace to every heart that is consumed by hatred, and may he bring peace to our troubled world.”
“Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”—John 8:12
Blessed Mother, please pray for us!
Deacon Tom
September 8, 2021
“Today the Virgin is born…
I had the opportunity to tune into Mass this morning here, noon in Ireland. I soon found out that it was coming from Knock. That’s where the Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, and St. John the Evangelist appeared on the church wall on August 21, 1879. Also there, a Lamb standing by a cross on an altar with angels nearby.
I snapped a quick picture of the TV screen at the end of Mass which aired on Shalomworld.org. There’s a huge mural on the church dedicated to that appearance of Mary.
The priest was very welcoming to visitors…those in person and those joining by internet. He ended with blessings and waves for them, no matter where they attended from. And today, September 8, is a special day too, the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary comes nine months after the celebration of the Immaculate Conception. That dogma, celebrated on December 8, honors Mary’s conception in her mother’s womb without original sin.
“…Tended and formed, and prepared for her role as Mother of God, who is the universal King of the ages.”—From a discourse by St. Andrew of Crete, bishop.
Please pray for us, Blessed Mother!
Dc. Tom
September 3, 2021
Because I love him, I do not spare myself in speaking of him…
It’s an awesome calling to be a deacon. It’s a tremendous responsibility to preach. Imagine doing both, then being called to St. Peter’s chair in Rome.
That’s the monk who was Pope St. Gregory the Great. His bio in today’s breviary notes that as pope, “he proved to be a true shepherd by carrying out his office, helping the poor, spreading and strengthening the faith. He wrote extensively on moral and theological subjects.”
“I cannot preach with any competence, and yet insofar as I do succeed, still I myself do not live my life according to my own preaching.”—From a homily on Ezekiel by St. Gregory the Great, pope.
Did I mention that Pope St. Gregory the Great, who questioned his words from the pulpit, is also a Doctor of the Church?
Deacon Tom
September 1, 2021
This is the day the Lord has made…
Coming from a remote location today. Some time to relax by the water. Not unlike the Lord during his ministry with the disciples on the sea.
Remember this is the World Day of Prayer for our Common Home. Pope Francis has asked us to join in a prayer with others around the world. It’s important that we share with our sisters and brothers.
Thanks God for providing us with your gift of this globe. May we continue to care for it and each other.
“Let us rejoice and be glad in it!”—Psalm 118
Deacon Tom
August 30, 2021
“When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don’t throw away the ticket and jump off…you sit still and trust the engineer.”—Corrie Ten Boom
I was plunged into darkness last night. Everything snapped off, but a computer screen. Outside, nothing. Not even a streetlight. My eyes started to adjust. Didn’t fret. I knew I’d see light again when the sun rose. (Electricity came back quickly though).
Funny the outage came the night after reading the quote above. Wikipedia says Corrie Ten Boom was a Calvinist watchmaker in Holland who saved many lives during World War II. She spent time in a concentration camp, released a week before others in her area were killed by the Nazis. She wrote much, living a long life, which ended with her natural death in 1983.
Sunday evening concluded my 12-week Ignatian retreat. I’ve experienced much darkness and light. Positive and negative these last three months. Now I sit still with trust in God for what’s next.
“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; Upon those who lived in a land of gloom a light has shone.”—Isaiah 9:1
Deacon Tom
August 27, 2021
“She only desired that she might be remembered at your altar which she attended to every day…”
I started St. Augustine’s Confessions in the fall of 2020. Finally last night, I picked it up again to read the last bit. So many paper bookmarks in the pages!
Augustine loved his mother, Monica, even as he strayed from the faith and traveled far from home. Yet this widow followed him, offering prayers for perhaps eighteen years. It was her efforts that lead to his baptism by St. Ambrose. St. Monica was quite the mom. Augustine became one of the most famous doctors of the church. His writings still capture the attention of anyone who picks up his books nearly seventeen-hundred years later. August 27 is St. Monica’s feast day. August 28 is St. Augustine’s.
In Confessions, Augustine wrote how Monica gained “fruit with patience” to bring God to her son.
“I dedicate my heart, voice and writings, that who read this book may also remember Monica your servant and Patrick her late husband, through whose physical bond you brought me into this life.”—Confessions book IX, (37)
St. Monica and St. Augustine, please pray for us!
Deacon Tom
August 25, 2021
“Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.”—James 4:8
The final week of my Ignatian retreat is under way. Each day I read and pray and I look to see how He’s shaping my way. I had a dream the other night, I think I saw St. Ignatius Loyola. When the 3-month journey ends on Sunday, I’ll be thankful and look for what’s ahead.
When I walked into church today, I got a good look at the decals on the door. What a beautiful cross! Very regal.
Today’s the feast day of a king. St. Louis. He took the throne of France at age 22. He was father to 11 children, all of whom he instructed in the faith. Accounts say he “excelled in penance and prayer and in love for the poor.” He also led a Crusade to the Holy land to recover the tomb of Christ. He died near Carthage in 1270.
“As long as you are in church, be careful not to let your eyes wander and not to speak empty words, but pray to the Lord devoutly, either aloud or with the interior prayer of the heart.”—St. Louis, from a spiritual testament to his son.
Deacon Tom
August 23, 2021
“Whoever boasts, should boast in the Lord….”
The words from 2 Corinthians above say much in a short sentence. Not unlike Holy people, who give much in a short life. One who fits that description is St. Rose of Lima whose feast day is today. The first saint from the New World.
Accounts of St. Rose’s life say she resisted marriage, instead wanting to enter religious life. Her parents would not allow that. She became a Third Order Dominican, practicing prayer and penance. Before her death in 1617 at age 31, St. Rose served homeless children, the elderly and sick.
She wrote of temptation and sickness that came with her devotion. And she shared words about the benefits of such.
“We cannot obtain grace unless we suffer afflictions. We must heap trouble upon trouble to attain a deep participation in the divine nature, the glory of the sons of God and perfect happiness of soul.”—From the writings of St. Rose of Lima, virgin
Perhaps something to think about with the difficult months we’ve been going through?
Deacon Tom
August 20, 2021
“When God loves, all he desires is to be loved in return…”
While on visits to Europe, I’ve seen many stone ruins of churches and abbeys. Someday, perhaps I’ll go back to France and search out Clairvaux.
Today’s the feast day of St. Bernard. He was the first abbot at Clairvaux in 1115. Bernard’s original monastery is now in ruins. A replacement built in the early 1700s has been in government hands since the French Revolution. But in 2022, a prison there will close. Ideas have been sought for the future of the site.
Citeaux Monastery, Bernard’s first monastic home, was owned by the government until 1898, when the Trappists moved in. Thirty-plus monks remain now.
St. Bernard was a great abbot; dozens of monasteries grew from his leadership. He was also said to be a talented preacher. Above and below, read from one of his sermons.
“…All he desires is to be loved in return; the sole purpose of his love is to be loved, in the knowledge that those who love him are made happy by their love of him.”—From a sermon by Saint Bernard, abbot
Deacon Tom
August 18, 2021
The time of my departure is at hand…
The last year and a couple months have been interesting. Much travel, time alone on the road. Most weeks it includes a visit to my parents’ and aunts’ graves at Calvary Cemetery. There’s a signboard at the entrance to the upper section. In season it wishes a Happy Easter or Merry Christmas. Sometimes it is blank. But Tuesday I saw this…an often-used reading at funerals.
After a few minutes at the graves, I took my car on a big loop around the cemetery, behind the mausoleums. Complete stop at the bottom of the hill to get a picture of the sign. A moment also to reflect on the second letter to Timothy. This morning I took more time with Chapter 4. The Jerusalem Bible describes it as “Paul in the evening of his life.”
It was nice to make time to slow down. Perhaps we all can today?
“Be careful always to choose the right course; be brave under trials; make the preaching of the Good News your life’s work, in throughgoing service.”—2 Timothy 4:5
Deacon Tom
August 16, 2021
“Rejoice in the Lord always, I shall say it again: rejoice!”
There was a wonderful celebration Sunday afternoon as many gathered for the 25th anniversary jubilee for Sister Rose Casaleno, CSJ. A highlight of the Mass was the renewing of vows, for Sister Rose and a couple dozen of her community. They again promised celibate chastity, poverty and obedience. Sister Rose is a member of St. Vincent de Paul Blessed Sacrament and Director of Campus Ministry/Chaplain for Binghamton University.
Some who are regular readers of this blog attended the event. I noticed them as servers for the meal shared by all. They provided such a warm welcome for visitors on a special day for one in our parish. Thanks!
Not sure how I opened to this passage from Philippians that started above. Let’s take the message with us into the world today.
“Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petitions, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”—Philippians 4: 3-7
Deacon Tom
August 13, 2021
“Obedience is the one and the only way of wisdom and prudence for us to offer glory to God.”
A few days ago, I wrote of being silent after visiting a concentration camp. My editor says it is a common response after touring such a place. But there is also good from behind the fences. Like a woman who acted as a nurse and is starting the road to sainthood.
Then there’s a Franciscan who gave his life so another could live. Fr. Maximilian Kolbe spent time in Japan. He had pamphlets dedicated to the Blessed Mother. On his return to Poland, his writings angered the Nazis. He ended up in Auschwitz. When some prisoners escaped one day, the commander counted off ten men to starve to death. When one cried out about his wife and family, Fr. Kolbe volunteered to take his place.
He prayed with the nine others as they died. After a couple of weeks, he was the only one left, martyred by a lethal injection on August 14, 1941. He became St. Maximilian Kolbe in 1982, with the man whom he saved in attendance at the Vatican.
“We should let ourselves be guided and led by Mary and rest quiet and secure in her hands.”—Quotes from the letters of St. Maximilian Kolbe
St. Maximilian, please pray for us!
Frieden. Peace.
Deacon Tom
August 11, 2021
“Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
Each August 11, I phone a friend who is a Secular Franciscan. Sometimes I call her Clare. When we talk, she often calls me Ben, noting that I’m a Benedictine Oblate.
Today is the Feast day of my friend’s patron, Clare of Assisi. The other day I was watching a movie about St. Francis. It showed when Clare first met the saint. Needless to say, her mother wasn’t too pleased that she wanted to spend more time with the founder of the Franciscan order.
She followed him and founded the Poor Ladies now known as the Poor Clares. They prayed, and served those in need as they do today. She’s the patron of television and computer screens. Seems that in her final days back in the 1200s, illness kept Clare in her cell. Yet she was able to see an image of what was going on in the chapel—projected on her wall.
St. Clare, please pray for us!
Deacon Tom
August 9, 2021
“Take everything exactly as it is, put it in God’s hands, and leave it with Him.”—St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
25-years ago I traveled with journalists to the newly unified Germany. On our last day, in the Eastern part of the country, we visited Buchenwald Concentration Camp. The crematorium tower is pictured in noontime sun. All the sights, sounds and smells of that day will remain with me forever. It was September. It was Rosh Hashanah. When we got back on the bus, no one talked for more than half an hour.
The quote above comes from a woman whose given name was Edith Stein, raised in the Jewish faith. Stein became an atheist for a time. She was a writer and a university professor. But her life changed after she read St. Teresa of Avila and soon was baptized Catholic.
She became a Carmelite nun and remained in Germany for a time after the Nazis took power. Because of her Jewish roots, St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross moved to Holland. It’s there that she was eventually arrested. On this day in 1942, St. Teresa Benedicta and her sister perished in the gas chamber in Auschwitz.
“Those who remain silent are responsible.”—St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (quotes from CatholicLink)
St. Teresa Benedicta, please pray for us!
Frieden. (Peace),
Deacon Tom
August 6, 2021
“And he was transfigured before them, and his clothes became dazzling white….”—Mark 9:3
Sun high in the sky today as we celebrate the Transfiguration of Jesus. So bright that it bounced off of my car, making it hard to look in that direction. The light reflected off my white alb hanging inside. Made me think.
The Gospel accounts of the event differ slightly. Matthew wrote that Jesus’ face “shone like the sun and his clothes became as white as light.” In Luke we read that “while he was praying his face changed in appearance and his clothing became dazzling white.”
All mention Moses and Elijah there, then God’s words from the cloud urging the apostles to listen to Him. When it ended, Jesus was alone with Peter, James and John.
Deacon Candidate Greg ended his reflection at Mass this morning urging us to take the Transfiguration into our daily lives.
“Listen for opportunities to reflect that light on others.”—Greg Hrostowski
Deacon Tom
August 4, 2021
The Christian’s treasure is not on earth but in heaven…
I was about 10 when Fr. Leonard Fries arrived as our pastor at Christ the King. He was still there when I graduated college, but he was Msgr. Fries by then.
He was gentle and faith-filled. As a young priest, he said the first Mass in Notre Dame Cathedral after the liberation in Paris at the end of World War II. He went on to serve many in several parishes. In his spare time, Msgr. Fries went fishing with the Lord. And he grew flowers for the altar. Just short of retirement in 1985, he died among the blossoms in his garden.
Think of a priest who has influenced you. Ever hear of St. John Vianney? Today is his feast day. His bio in the breviary said he cared for the parish entrusted to him in a “marvelous way” through “preaching, prayer, mortification and good works.” Spent hours in the confessional each day too. Turned many lives around.
“Pray and love. If you pray and love, that is where a man’s happiness lies.”—From the catechetical instructions by St. John Mary Vianney, priest.
Deacon Tom
August 2, 2021
“All good giving and every perfect gift is from above….”—James 1:17
Ever been somewhere and get the feeling that someone was going to come and talk with you? I was at the gas station the other day, the car ahead of me was from Maryland. I saw the man get out to fill his tank. I was turned toward the pump, when I heard his voice.
“What’s excelsior mean?” he asked, after looking at my fairly recently installed NY license plate. Taken a bit by surprise, I repeated what I’d always been told: “Onward and upward.” Didn’t think too much from my high school Latin. He took what I said. Our conversation lasted a couple of minutes, with license plates then talk of our states and the ones between.
Later, I looked “excelsior” up online. Not as much information in the dictionary book. As the motto of the Empire State, it’s just listed as “higher,” though a poet helped add the “upward.” Removing the state from the definition, it certainly makes me think of heaven.
I wonder if he wanted to talk because he saw my deacon cross? Or maybe he was an angel in disguise?
As he walked back to his car, I said “have a nice day.” Without turning he responded with: “You have a better one!”
God Bless you and may you have a better day too!
Deacon Tom
July 30, 2021
“I shall thank him for this….”
I can’t believe it. More than 8 weeks ago I started a personal retreat that began with an e-mail inquiry from the Institute for Jesuit Sources in Massachusetts. Four more weeks daily to renew my faith. All this based on St. Ignatius Loyola’s Examen—a daily spiritual “checkup.” Scripture, prayer, reflection, writing and then perhaps relating to those I serve as a Deacon.
Not sure what put me on this path. Certainly not a cannonball like the one that struck St. Ignatius exactly 500 years ago. In his year of recuperating, he spent much time reading about the saints and Christ. That formed the basis for his prayer.
July 31st is St. Ignatius’ feast day. Accounts of his life note that after he healed, we spent time in the wilderness, seeking God. In a move to Paris for more education, he met Francis Xavier and Peter Faber. They joined in his Spiritual Exercises and became the first members of the Society of Jesus, commonly known as the Jesuits.
“…Up to this very moment he has shown Himself so loving and merciful to me.”—St. Ignatius Loyola as quoted in Finding Christ in the World, by Joseph Tetlow, S.J & Carol Atwell Ackels
St. Ignatius of Loyola, please pray for us!
Deacon Tom
July 28, 2021
“Some seed fell on rich soil and produced fruit….”
Has the rain delayed the crops this summer? Finally, the “farm” on my front deck is starting to produce red tomatoes…lots of them. Saw some cornfields on Monday, they look ready for continued harvest.
There’s a boy from the fields of Okarche, Oklahoma. He grew into a priest for the Diocese of Oklahoma City. Five years after his ordination, he followed a call to Guatemala. Father Stanley Rother picked up on the local dialect and was well liked among those he served.
Several accounts tell of the unrest in the country that led to many being killed, including priests. For a time, he went home to Oklahoma, a safer place. But Father Rother felt he had to return to be with his parishioners. It’s on this day 40 years ago in 1981 that he was murdered for his faith.
Beatified in 2017. Stanley Rother is the first U.S. priest to be named a martyr. A shrine in his memory will open next year. The path to canonization awaits.
“…It came and grew and yielded thirty, sixty and a hundredfold.”—Mark 4:8
Blessed Stanley Rother, please pray for us!
Deacon Tom
July 26, 2021
“Children’s children are the crown of the elderly….”—Proverbs 17:6
There were a lot of smiles around this weekend at churches. It was the first World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. The grandmas and grandpas stood and were blessed. At one of the Masses I was at, the congregation applauded those who have grandchildren. What a wonderful honor for those who were there.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops described what grandparents offer is beyond the material.
“What they often bring to our families is precisely the gift of gratuitousness. Their way of loving and pampering their grandchildren, to the point of spoiling them, may seem exaggerated to us, but exaggeration is the only measure of love.” Liturgy notes, World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly. USCCB
Today is the feast day of St. Joachim and St. Anne. They were the parents of the Blessed Mother and grandparents of Jesus. There’s no information on them in the Holy Bible. What’s been learned of them comes from writings in the mid-100s A.D.
St. Joachim and St. Anne, please pray for us!
Deacon Tom
July 23, 2021
“Beloved, if God so loved us, we also must love one another….”—1 John 4:11
It’s difficult for us sometimes. We’ve been hurt by someone. What they’ve done. What they’ve said. We want to give up on them. Turn our back, reject them. Remember when the scribe asked Jesus for the greatest of all the commandments?
Our Lord said we must Love the Lord our God with all our heart and soul and mind and strength. And beyond that, love our neighbor as ourself.
Yes. We’re called to this too. But it’s not always easy is it?
“God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him.”—1 John 4:16
Deacon Tom
July 21, 2021
These women had followed him when he was in Galilee and ministered to him….
It’s interesting how the women spent time around Jesus during the time of his suffering and death. Not only the Blessed Mother, but another Mary who was well known too. The one from Magdala. Her feast day is July 22.
Mary Magdalene was with Jesus closely through his ministry. Then at the cross, at the tomb. Seeing the angels there, then thinking Jesus was the gardener. He asked why she was weeping.
“Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to him in Hebrew, “Rabbouni,” which means Teacher.”—John 20:16
Deacon Tom
July 19, 2021
“Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God….”—1 Corinthians 10:31
A trip to Transfiguration Monastery the other day with Fr. Buckley and Greg Hrostowski was a mini-retreat. The three of us last visited there together before Lent in 2020. Father offered grace as we began our day.
Then we ate subs. The Benedictine sisters left some brownies as a treat too. After, we went our separate ways. Reading, praying, walking, resting. Hot day, yet beautiful weather. Blessed to spend the hours with Him among the flora and fauna.
How can you be with the Lord today?
“The golden splendor comes, surrounding God’s awesome majesty!”—Job 37:22
Deacon Tom
July 16, 2021
Of roads, books and heaven…
I traveled a lot on Thursday. Stops in Afton, Bainbridge, Vestal and Windsor. Warm outside, beautiful weather all around. I was blessed that my day’s final destination—in reflection—would bring me somewhere really cool.
Visits to St. Agnes and St. John’s in the morning to listen to maintenance staff. Then to Vestal and St. Vincent de Paul Blessed Sacrament. A quick hello to the Thursday prayer group, before meeting Greg. Off to pick up Fr. Buckley, headed to the monastery for the afternoon.
On our separate paths, Father and I met up on the earthen road as he finished a rosary. A bit later we sat in the guest house library together. I’d been reading some books new to me, including prayers by Robert Louis Stevenson. That’s when it occurred to me. Was it an aha moment?
Would there be a library in heaven to catch up on all the volumes I’ll never get the time to look at here? Father answered by reminding me of what a wonderful place it will be, something to look forward to. Amen!
“What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love him.”—1 Corinthians 2:9
God Bless,
Deacon Tom
July 14, 2021
“Remove your sandals from your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground….”
This morning’s reading from Exodus about God, Moses and the burning bush reminded me of St. Kateri Tekakwitha, whose feast day is today. The first Indigenous American saint, canonized in 2012, grew up not long after Jesuits were martyred in the 1600s. Ever visited their shrine east of Utica, near the river?
St. Kateri, who was born near there, is called the Lily of the Mohawks. Raised by an aunt and uncle after her family died of smallpox. Baptized Catholic and vowed to virginity, she faced opposition because of her faith. And she spent much time alone in the woods in prayer. Holy ground!
It’s said when Kateri died at 24, the marks on her face from smallpox as a child disappeared.
“O God, who desired the Virgin Saint Kateri Tekakwitha to flower among native Americans in a life of innocence, grant, through her intercession, that when all are gathered into your Church from every nation, tribe and tongue, they may magnify you in a single canticle of praise.”—From the Collect prayer for St. Kateri
St. Kateri, please pray for us!
Deacon Tom
July 12, 2021
God, in your abundant kindness, answer me….
I’m reminded of my grandmother every time I look at her smiling picture in the living room. Never met her, but I first opened her well-worn prayer book during the pandemic. And I’m told whenever there was a thunderstorm, she’d have my mom and her three sisters praying the rosary.
We had a pretty powerful series of storms come through Wednesday, leaving many without power. My lights blinked a bit, but never went out, while others waited days for it to come on. Then last night, heavy rain. Saw the news with more water than roadway in spots.
Took a look in the basement. Sure enough, about two inches of water, but moving. A bit later, just sections of the floor were wet. Calmness. It could wait ’til morning. Made sure to pray, including the end of week 5 of the Ignatian retreat.
Ever find comfort in one of the psalms?
“Do not let the waves wash over me, do not let the deep swallow me…. In your loving kindness answer me.”—Psalm 69: 15, 16, Jerusalem Bible
Deacon Tom
July 9, 2021
He instructed them to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick…
Some weeks I’m in Vestal to preach. Most Sundays I travel to Afton and Bainbridge for the faith communities there. I’ve also been to Hancock and Deposit and this weekend, Windsor—again. My car has an alb, stoles, sacramental books and drinking water. Oh yeah, I usually bring a hat and coat to deal with weather.
My mission is similar in some ways, yet different than the Twelve in Sunday’s Gospel. They were told to wear sandals “but not a second tunic.” Take only a walking stick and rely on hospitality wherever they stopped: “stay until you leave from there.”
In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus first called the “fishers of men” with Peter, Andrew, James and John. Later he gave the Twelve authority to preach and expel demons. Then Mark 6 relates how he sent them forth two by two to preach repentance, drive out demons and anoint the sick. And there was a reminder:
“Whatever place does not welcome you or listen to you, leave there and shake the dust off your feet in testimony against them.”—Mark 6: 11
How is Jesus calling us to spread his message?
Deacon Tom
July 7, 2021
“Genius is eternal patience.”—Michelangelo Buonarroti
Found the quote above after being declared a “genius” the other day by The New York Times Spelling Bee. With 7 letters, I spelled out 36 words and scored 179 points. Time and concentration, but genius?
Websters’ says the plural “genii” relates to “spirit.” Makes sense. Think of the Pieta. (I saw it in person as a young boy at the New York World’s Fair in 1964-65.) Imagine how Michelangelo looked at a block of marble, then took time to “free” the sculpture of Jesus lying in the Blessed Mother’s arms.
I’d like to see his Sistine Chapel work some day at the Vatican. That ceiling was cleaned and restored over years, then reopened to the public in a Mass in April 1994. Pope St. John Paul II said at the time: “The truths of our faith speak to us here from all sides.”
Can we apply the patience of Michelangelo to our spirit and be there for others today?
Deacon Tom
July 4, 2021
“It is able to sprout wings like an eagle that flies off into the sky.”—Proverbs 5:20
I’m writing this on Saturday, before heading up to Chenango County for the evening. On Sunday morning there are Masses in Afton and Bainbridge on Independence Day.
Thanks to those who offer prayers, “send angels” and ask about my trips up and down Interstate 88. Weather has been challenging at times. And I often reach out to God in the journeys.
Sometimes I reflect on the words of Psalm 91 as one seeking protection. More than once, I think He’s sent bald eagles high above the Chenango River to accompany me as I pass by. Hear the psalm put to music in Father Michael Joncas’ On Eagles Wings.
Wonder why the Founding Fathers chose the Bald Eagle over the turkey for our national bird?
“He covers you with his feathers, and you find shelter underneath his wings.”—Psalm 91:4, from The Jerusalem Bible
May God Bless us all on Independence Day!
Deacon Tom
July 2, 2021
Peace be with you…
I’ve walked many miles on the dusty road over the years at Transfiguration Monastery. Past the ponds, the birdhouses, apple trees. St. Francis and Blessed Mother statues are among the grass.
Wonder what it would be like to meet Jesus on a path like this?
St. Thomas the Apostle saw him many times. Yet he wasn’t there for the resurrected Jesus’ first visit to the Upper Room. He wanted proof…to touch the holes from the nails and spear. When Jesus appeared again, Thomas was there too. Not sure if he placed his hands on Jesus, but five words of faith say it all. “My Lord and My God.”
July 3 is St. Thomas’ Feast Day. He brought Christianity to India where he is the patron saint.
“Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.”—John 20:29
St. Thomas please pray for us!
Deacon Tom
June 30, 2021
“Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.”—James 4:8
It’s only on reflection that we can sometimes see something that we missed. Last week I spent the better part of a day at the Transfiguration Monastery in Windsor. It’s amazing how much can be packed into a few short hours, that seem more of an eternity.
Spiritual discussion with Sister Donald. Then prayer and Eucharist with all the sisters in the chapel. A visit to the used bookstore. Renewing fellowship with an Episcopal deacon who led me to some nice volumes there.
And what didn’t I see?
Even walking up and down about a half mile on the dusty road. While sitting on the porch of the hermitage reading St. Augustine’s Confessions. I never looked up. That is until I reviewed some photos last night. God painted the blue sky with amazing white clouds that reflected the sunlight.
I think my mini-retreat is now complete. Have you looked up today?
“Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will exalt you.”—James 4:10
Deacon Tom
June 28, 2021
“Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests…”
I was eating dinner the other night in my back room. It has windows on all sides. I’d just taken a bite when I heard movement. Thought it was the neighbors. Then something caught the corner of my eye. I was face to face with a beautiful deer!
Wow! Never seen one there in the evening. Early morning, in darkness, yes. What a sight! I rushed to grab my phone to snap a pic. She started moving. By the time I stepped on the deck behind the grapevine, she’d slipped behind greenery.
Today’s Gospel from Matthew got me thinking about the deer. Not sure where she would go after my yard. A reminder that Jesus is ready for us to follow anytime. And we should look beyond earthly life as we say “Yes” to Him.
…The Son of Man has nowhere to rest His head.”—Matthew 8:20
Deacon Tom
June 18, 2021
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth….”
Interesting Gospel reading from Matthew today. Jesus advises us about our worldly possessions. I remember my late brother used to remind us when we were younger that he who “dies with the toys wins.” Um…no!
Jesus reminds us that we’re in the world and the “earthly treasures can be destroyed by moths or decay or be stolen. Rather, he says we should be spending time concerning ourselves with what is to come.
In his reflection this morning, Deacon Candidate Greg spoke of “stuff” that we collect in our lives. Well, I have books and other stuff, from years gone by. So, I’ll be away from blogging next week. Taking some days off to remove some of the earthly “treasures.” And spending time for prayer and reflection too.
“For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.”—Matthew 6:21
God Bless and Peace,
Dc. Tom
June 16, 2021
He labored diligently, both for priests and people…
My parents were married 70-years ago today by a priest friend, ordained just a week. My dad’s classmate from Regis High School in Manhattan visited our family many times. Fr. Henry concelebrated my dad’s funeral nearly 30 years ago and was at my first Mass after ordination to the diaconate.
As a child, I sometimes quizzed him on religion. We chatted more deeply by phone as I readied to be a deacon. Fr. Henry died a few years ago. I thought of him when I read of the saint whose feast day is today, the high school namesake.
St. John Francis Regis was born in France, educated by the Jesuits, and inspired to join them. First a teacher, later a preacher and confessor, he wanted a far-off mission. Not to be. He spent his ministry in his home country. One biographer wrote the saint “endured crosses” which he turned to his spiritual advantage.
“Incredible were the hardships he endured on his apostolic journeys over rugged mountains in the depths of winter, but nothing could arrest his zeal.” Lives of Saints, Fr. Hugo Hoever.
St. John Francis Regis, please pray for us!
Deacon Tom
June 14, 2021
“Examine yourselves to see whether you are living in faith….”
I started a retreat on June 6th. Each day I read, pray and write from a thick spiral-bound book on Ignatian spirituality. One entry scribbled so far: “I hope I can keep this up.” You see, it goes on for 12 weeks.
You may have heard of St. Ignatius of Loyola, a soldier who was wounded severely in the legs by a cannonball 500-years ago. Took him a year to recuperate. He did so by acquainting himself with Jesus. Then he went on to found the Jesuits. They’re marking the half-millennium that’s passed in many ways.
The Ignatian Examen asks first to put yourself in God’s presence. There are four other parts to the prayer. Read more here if you wish.
Wonder how God will reach out to me in the nearly 3-month faith journey I’m on?
“…test yourselves. Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you?” 1 Cor 13:5
St. Ignatius, please pray for us.
Deacon Tom
June 11, 2021
About Roses and Mary’s Immaculate Heart
My phone rang this morning as I was almost out the door to Mass. It was Esther calling—one who helped my mother during her years of dementia. She was near and wanted to stop to get some items.
Outside she saw the overflowing rose bush. Of the dozens of red flowers, she uncovered two pink ones. Interesting find. Just yesterday, there was a pink among red roses at the grave of my mother’s two sisters.
Thought of the Blessed Mother and her connection with roses. Tomorrow is the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Read more about it in an article from the University of Notre Dame. It’s said that the feast day comes the day after the Sacred Heart of Jesus, because it’s a devotion that was put together to “enter more deeply into the mystery of God’s love.”
“And his mother kept all these things in her heart. ”Luke 2:51
Deacon Tom
June 7, 2021
“This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel…”
It’s happened to us all. Someone promises something, but doesn’t come through. And on occasion, we do the same. Seems If it’s in writing, an agreement spelled out, makes it easier to follow. So, it was with God too.
I’ve always been interested in the Old Testament pacts. It said a lot for the houses of Israel and Judah. While they broke the agreement—this one would be different. God was renewing the covenant to be written in hearts and last forever. That includes us!
“I will be their God and they shall be my people. They will no longer teach their friends and relatives, ‘Know the Lord!’ Everyone, from least to greatest, shall know me.”—Jeremiah 31:33-34
How do we know the Lord?
Deacon Tom
June 4, 2021
Of the Sacred Heart
June is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Solemnity is celebrated next Friday, June 11. It was 65 years ago that Pope Pius XII wrote the lengthy summary encyclical HAURIETIS AQUAS—You Will Draw Water. He referred to Pope Leo XIII’s 1899 ANNUM SACRUM, which is a bit easier read about the Sacred Heart devotion.
Either of the above would be good to look at. But I think part of Pope Francis’ Twitter message today about this month would be the best start. He suggests a simple prayer: “Jesus, make my heart resemble yours.” That, he says could lead to more.
“In this way, our own hearts will slowly but surely become more patient, more generous, more merciful.”—@Pontifex, (Pope Francis) Twitter 6-4-2021
Deacon Tom
June 2, 2021
Be my rock of refuge, a stronghold to save me…
The words of Psalm 31 called to me this morning. I reflected on what I read for a half hour. Took a little walk outside too. Found a decent sized boulder along the driveway.
I can’t pick it up. Impossible to budge by hand. Anchored in the earth. It would take tools…perhaps heavy equipment to lift it away.
This psalm is said to be a “prayer in distress and thanksgiving for escape.” When we seek God in our most difficult times, we sometimes forget He’s there for us. Not going anywhere. Immovable. Always present. Maybe it’s a good day to reach out more to Him.
“For you are my rock and my fortress, for your name’s sake lead me and guide me.” —Psalm 31:4
Deacon Tom
May 28, 2021
“The earth is the Lord’s and all it holds, the world and those who dwell within it.”—Psalm 24:1
Still thinking about Let Us Dream: The Path to a Better Future, a three-night conference by the Syracuse and Ogdensburg Dioceses. Music, prayer, speakers. Plus—inspiration from Bishops Lucia and La Valley.
Last night featured Zoom “breakout sessions.” I chose Parish Creation Care Team. It’s working in several parishes in our diocese. Perhaps it’s time to consider something like it here?
I liked the title of another: Getting our hands dirty. Maybe related to my growing list of planting sites. Before last night’s session, my brother turned over a garden not used in a couple of years. I added tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and marigolds to the earth.
Our conference came as Laudato Sí turns five years old. Perhaps take a few minutes to read Pope Francis’ writings on care for our common home.
“I urgently appeal, then, for a new dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet.” —Laudato Sí, (14)
How can we help?
Deacon Tom
May 26, 2021
“Peoples stand in awe of your marvels…”
Admiring lots of growth in the last couple weeks. Planted tomatoes and eggplant at home, with marigolds to keep the deer away. Coleus taking off in a variety of shades and shapes and sizes. Strawberries coming back again and some parsley too. A single red rose has peeked out…just waiting for more.
Added geraniums and daisies by the house at St. John’s in Bainbridge. New hosta in a tractor tire on the big patio. How to keep it all watered in two places, 40 miles apart? May I pray for rain?
Maybe I should ask those gathered for a Zoom conference I’ve joined this week. People from the Syracuse, Ogdensburg and Rochester Dioceses. Let Us Dream: The Path to a Better Future draws on the writings of Pope Francis and others. A great time to share ways to maintain and praise God’s creation.
How are you seeking Him in the beauty that’s just outside the door?
“…the places of morning and evening you make resound with joy.”—Psalm 65:9
Deacon Tom
May 24, 2021
“He was pierced for our sins, crushed for our iniquity…
There’s a stone by a tree trunk in front of the church. The word HEALING isn’t easy to make out with fading glittery paint. It also has a scripture reference: Isaiah 53:5.
Taken with the previous verse, scholars note it’s unique to the Old Testament. Suffering was thought to be for a wrong, yet in this case, it’s for others. Looking ahead to Jesus?
It was half a millennium ago that a soldier’s legs were severely wounded by a cannonball. The recovery was long. That’s how Ignatius of Loyola read a book about Christ. His inspiration led to a new kind of prayer and formation of the Jesuits.
Last night there was a livestreamed half-hour prayer service at the beginning of the Ignatian year 500. Learn more about St. Ignatius at the website. And check out his form of prayer that’s still used today by clicking here.
…he bore the punishment that makes us whole, by his wounds we were healed.”—Isaiah 53:5
Deacon Tom
May 21, 2021
Peace be with you…
Today’s gospel was from chapter 21 of John’s Gospel. Peter had denied Jesus three times before the crucifixion. Now after the resurrection, he said definitively three times: “Lord you know I love you.” To which Jesus asked him to become the shepherd of the flock of followers: “Feed my sheep.”
The popes since have followed that call. Sometimes with words from John Chapter 20: “Peace be with you.” Or those like the pictured pin. And today too, as Pope Francis issued a call on Twitter.
The Holy Father noted that the Vigil Mass of Pentecost at St. Stephen’s in Jerusalem will be celebrated to “implore the gift of peace.” (It will air at 5:30 p.m. Saturday on EWTN.) He’s asked all to join in the prayer, pleading with the Holy Spirit so that Israelis and Palestinians “may be open to living together as brothers and sisters.”
Pace. Peace.
Deacon Tom
May 19, 2021
Pope Francis speaks of growing when facing obstacles to prayer
“Embrace it with a generous and good heart, and bear fruit through perseverance.”—Luke 8:15
Lots of small, tender plants have gone into the ground the last few days. They seem ready to grow as I’ve removed some grass and weeds. Perhaps it’s like the parable of the sower in Luke’s Gospel. Keeping the tomatoes and eggplant from rocky ground or among thorns will allow for a crop this summer.
I think Pope Francis’ message at the General Audience this morning shows us how to grow too…when we face obstacles to prayer. He notes that if there is “distraction” it calls for the “cultivation of the virtue of vigilance.” With “aridity” or “moments of dryness” as we pray—“desolation”—then we “share in the Lord’s sufferings.” And “acedia or sloth” brings a “temptation to abandon prayer altogether.” The Holy Father noted that saints handled this “spiritual fatigue” with daily perseverance.
“As we strive to grow in our life of prayer let us ask for the grace of perseverance, that our loving Father will grant us, through the Son and in the Spirit, all that we need to draw us ever closer to him.”—Pope Francis, General Audience 5-19-2021.
Deacon Tom
May 17, 2021
“Hail favored one! The Lord is with you.”—Luke 1:28
Most of us easily pick up a Rosary and start praying. But do we always remember some scriptural background? The words above from Luke come from the angel Gabriel’s announcement to Mary that she’d be the Blessed Mother of Jesus, the Son of God.
Each day in this month of May, Pope Francis has asked us to recite the Rosary with others around the world “to invoke an end to the pandemic and the resumption of social and work-related activities.” Each Rosary takes place publicly at a different place at 6 p.m. Rome time.
Today it comes from the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington. While it livestreamed at noon, it’s also available for playback later at Youtube. EWTN is re-airing it at 3:30 p.m. The printed program to follow along is available by clicking here.
Please feel free to join any of the above or just say an extra Rosary today for the Pope’s intention. And please continue this through the end of the month.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen
Deacon Tom
May 14, 2021
“It was not you who chose me….”
I saw the new Rumble Ponies baseball team line up on opening night Tuesday. Reminds me of elementary school days. Captains would choose teams from kids shouting “pick me, pick me.” The last couple remaining were anxious to see where they’d end up.
How was a new apostle picked to replace Judas? Acts tells us two were proposed as prayer was offered. “Lord, you know the hearts of all, show which of the two you have chosen.” It doesn’t say the pair lobbied for the position. Then lots were picked. It didn’t go to Justus, but Matthias.
Not much is known about St. Matthias, whose feast day is today. He was a disciple who followed Jesus from His earliest days in ministry.
“…But I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain.”—John 15:16
St. Matthias, please pray for us!
Deacon Tom
May 12, 2021
As they were looking on, he was lifted up…
Sunrise from the top of the dormant Hawaiian volcano Haleakalā is beautiful. Brightness illuminated the clouds on my only visit there—pictured here. One look brings back the memories of the trek to the top of the crater more than 40 years ago.
Wonder what it was like for the apostles at the Ascension? There’s not a big description of where it took place. Yet some writers have said it happened on the Mount of Olives or perhaps Mount Tabor. Scripture, New Testament and Old, offers many examples of going up to a higher place to meet God.
The apostles witnessed the unique. The Son returning to the Father, “as a cloud took him from their sight.” An amazing, maybe confusing time. But what happened that day has spanned nearly two-thousand years…as does His message.
“Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.”—Mark 16:15
Deacon Tom
May 10, 2021
“Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean….”
As a 17-year-old just out of high-school, my brother and I went to visit my sister who was attending the University of Hawaii. This 1970s circa photo shows Waikiki Beach and Diamond Head. Had another snap of King Kamehameha in front of the Iolani Palace. Nearby at the state capitol I saw a box-like statue of a man wearing a hat and wire-rimmed glasses. Some 30+ years after my visit, that priest was made a saint.
Since I first “met” Fr. Damien DeVeuster in Honolulu, I’ve spent a couple of days in his home country of Belgium. I also learned of his work with lepers. And then there’s the Syracuse connection with the Franciscan sister who took over for him on Molokai…now St. Marianne Cope.
Damien hadn’t originally planned to be in Hawaii, he took his brother’s slot, and went on to care for those with the disease. After several years, he contracted leprosy and died at the age of 49. Today is St. Damien’s feast day.
“… He stretched out his hand, touched him, and said, “I will do it. Be made clean.” His leprosy was cleansed immediately.”—Matthew 8:3
St. Damien and St. Marianne, please pray for us!
Maluhia! Peace!
Deacon Tom
May 7, 2021
Of Deacon Ordination and Mother’s Day…
Chatted Thursday with 3 of 4 surviving deacon brothers on our 15th anniversary. Bishop Moynihan ordained us for Word, Sacrament, and Charity. Less than two months later, I was asked to “rebuild” part of a church after the big flood. Helped affected parishioners and neighbors too. My deacon’s cross felt heavy then. Still does sometimes now…as I serve in different ways.
Thanks for so many kind greetings in recent days. Fr. Jim and the staff celebrated with me the other day. Also, cards and texts from several, including some who were there in Syracuse on May 6, 2006. Didn’t hear from others, who have lost touch. They are still in my prayers.
Three women sat near me in the pew on ordination day. Secular Franciscan “Clare” continues to inspire me on the path. Benedictine Sister Donald Corcoran, still my Spiritual Advisor, helped me vest for the first time. And my mother Helen, probably smiles just as brightly from heaven.
I know it’s a couple of days early, but let me offer a Happy Mother’s Day! God Bless all who have been “moms” in any way for someone.
“Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven.”—Matthew 5:12
Deacon Tom
May 5, 2021
I look at him and he looks at me…
These yellow tulips remind me of a long-ago June quest to the Netherlands. The approach to Amsterdam Schiphol airport is a long glide over a massive flower farm. But I missed the fields of color I had so much wanted to see. The tulips are harvested by May.
Pope Francis’ audience this morning focused on a prayer in which we can “see.” Contemplative prayer, he said, is an “act of the heart, by which we fix our heart on Jesus.” He said a farmer once told St. John Vianney of prayer at a tabernacle: “I look at him and he looks at me.”
“By gazing on our Lord in this way, we come to feel his loving gaze upon us and our hearts are purified. This in turn enables us to see others in the light of that truth and compassion which Jesus brings to all.”—Pope Francis, General Audience 5/5/2021
Read the Holy Father’s words above. Contemplate. Try not to miss anything. What do you see?
Deacon Tom
May 3, 2021
We do not know where you are going; how can we know the way?”—John 14:5
Our old Plymouth logged many miles when I was growing up. Coast to coast and in between. Sometimes Dad would take what he called “the alternate route.” That includes one-way up an old logging road in the Rocky Mountains barely wide enough for the car.
Dad always knew the right direction. His secret? Mom. A faithful navigator with stacks of maps and TripTiks from AAA. At times he pulled over to have a look and confirm her information.
Today’s Gospel begins with Jesus directing Thomas. A curious apostle at the Last Supper, just wanting to check out how to get to heaven. Happy that Jesus is preparing a place for them, but wanting that last reassurance.
Thomas knew. We know. Easy to confirm with Jesus.
“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”—John 14:6
Deacon Tom
April 30, 2021
Hail Mary, full of grace…
The month of May is dawning. One of the special months in the year dedicated to the Blessed Mother. This year, Pope Francis is asking everyone to join in a Worldwide Rosary Marathon. He will start it off Saturday.
Then for each of 31 days, it will be highlighted from shrines around the globe, beginning with the Vatican and Our Lady of Walsingham, England and concluding in the Vatican Gardens. You can find the entire list here.
It’s the Holy Father’s intention that his month of prayer will ask for an end to the coronavirus pandemic in our world and for the “resumption of social and work activities.”
Please join in this prayer for all in our world!
Deacon Tom
April 28, 2021
“ For us Christians, meditating is a way to come into contact with Jesus.”—Pope Francis, 4-28-2021
Sometimes I like to look at a word that’s not electronic. I dusted off Webster’s College Dictionary (circa 2003) this morning. Still know how to turn a page!
I was reminded meditate was defined to “reflect or muse over.”
“Contemplate.” From the Latin: meditari. And meditation is “serious contemplation or reflection.” Yet neither connected it with “prayer” as did Pope Francis during his weekly audience today.
I like his definition: “For a Christian, to “meditate” is to seek meaning: it implies placing oneself before the immense page of Revelation to try to make it our own, assuming it completely.”
Maybe we can all take a few minutes today for this type of prayer and see where it brings us?
Deacon Tom
April 26, 2021
A weekly gift from God to His people…
We’ve had a blessed few weeks this Easter season. It seems that numbers are growing…as people come back to church. Perhaps more are comfortable to return in the wake of vaccines. Receiving the Eucharist is most important. While we’ve been taking communion to some, others have returned to Mass to receive. All are welcome.
I read in this morning’s Vatican News that the Bishops of England and Wales are reaching out to their flocks. They’ve asked people to place Sunday Mass at the “heart” of post-pandemic lives. This message, following a meeting last week, asks people to come “back to the Church and to her Sacraments.”
An interesting note…the bishops want to most importantly reach two groups: people who are out of the habit of coming to church and “Covid curious” who found the Church for the first time during the pandemic. You may read their entire letter here.
“The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the lifeblood of the Church. It requires our active participation and, to be fully celebrated, our physical presence.”—from The Day of the Lord, Catholic Bishops of England and Wales.
Deacon Tom
April 23, 2021
“Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.”—Mark 16:15
Sun. Tulips and daffodils coming up. Trees showing off their leaves. Others flowering for all to see. I’ve walked a lot here at church in the last year and a couple of months. Reflecting again today on the beauty that God has created for us.
The verse above comes from Jesus’ message to the apostles just before the Ascension. It applies to us too. We receive the Word every time we attend Mass. We too are asked to share the Gospel with others. A thought to take with us as we exit toward the parking lot.
Sometimes we fall short…or forget. But mostly we live out the message in bringing His love to others in our daily lives.
Remember today: Love God, Love Neighbor.
Deacon Tom
April 21, 2021
Pray then like this…
I can’t remember a time when I didn’t pray. My parents encouraged us with the Our Father and Hail Mary when we were kids. I can also recite the Latin versions…Pater Noster and Ave Maria…and sometimes still do.
I have offered many silent intentions in the nearly 15-years I’ve been a deacon. The pandemic has increased my prayer…sometimes speaking to Him in the middle of the night.
Shortly after 3 this morning, I woke to Pope Francis’ weekly audience. His message in several languages…PRAY! And…vocalize it…as prayer is a dialogue with God.
“Prayer becomes word, invocation, hymn, poetry… The divine Word is made flesh, and in each person’s flesh the word returns to God in prayer.”—Pope Francis, General Audience, 4-21-2021
His entire “catechesis” is short and insightful. Enjoy it.
And don’t forget to “speak” when you pray today!
Deacon Tom
April 19, 2021
“Having loved his own… loved them to the end.”—John 13:1
In May of 2004, Pope St. John Paul II used this scripture during the canonization of St. Gianna Molla. A wife, mother and doctor, she cared for many in her short life. The Holy Father said the “holy mother of a family remained heroically faithful to the commitment she made on the day of her marriage.”
During her fourth pregnancy, in 1962, doctors found a tumor. At her request, she had a risky surgery to remove it and save her baby’s life. A few days after Gianna Emanuela was born, St. Gianna died of an infection.
The daughter Gianna followed in her mother’s footsteps in medicine. She has retired from practicing as a doctor. In recent years, she’s spent time traveling to speak of St. Gianna.
I noticed that one of the young women confirmed here yesterday took the name of St. Gianna. The saint’s feast day is April 28.
“Through the example of Gianna Beretta Molla, may our age rediscover the pure, chaste and fruitful beauty of conjugal love, lived as a response to the divine call!”
Deacon Tom
April 16, 2021
“I believe I shall see the LORD’s goodness in the land of the living.”—Psalm 27:13
I’m on retreat with other deacons for a couple of days. But it’s virtual, so we have much time in between sessions. Sister Donald is focusing on the Easter season. She’s told us how in the Orthodox Church, time after Easter is called Bright Week. Sister has shared how many people who are faith-filled…often have a “brightness” that can light up a room that’s otherwise dark.
I’m not sure if that’s the case for the saint whose feast is today, but I suppose it’s possible. Bernadette Soubirous first met the Blessed Mother by the river in Lourdes France. Mary appeared a total of 18 times there. She declared to Bernadette that she was the Immaculate Conception. It took some time for her to be believed.
St. Bernadette was in poor health for much of her life. She recovered a bit after entering the Sisters of Notre Dame. But she died at the age of 35 on this day in 1879.
St. Bernadette, please pray for us!
Deacon Tom
April 14, 2021
For God so loved the world…
I took a moment this morning with a marker to scrawl out a word and two numbers. It’s likely that you’ve seen them before, perhaps on a TV screen. For many years, there was a colorfully dressed man who would hold up his JOHN 3:16 sign at sporting events. And he always seemed to get on camera.
While most of us are familiar with that, perhaps we may not know so much of the verse. It’s said to Nicodemus, a Jewish official, who visited Jesus under the cover of darkness. Well before it happened, Jesus spoke of his crucifixion in this one line. Plus, there’s a promise of eternal life.
Take some time to read John 3:16, which was today’s Gospel. Then…continue on through verse 21. Look for the words: “belief” and “truth” and “light.” Does it bring us out of the darkness?
“…that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.”—John 3:16
Deacon Tom
April 12, 2021
Unless one is born from above…
On Saturday I baptized a nearly two-year-old boy. This young one was full of energy and enthusiasm. He wanted to see all that was going on. When the time came, his Godfather held him over the font as the water was poured on his forehead. Smiles all around to welcome the newest child of God.
Today’s Gospel from John features Nicodemus, a Jewish leader who wanted to learn more of the “signs” that Jesus brought from God. Jesus told him that unless someone is born of water and the Spirit, they cannot enter the Kingdom.
Just wondering, do we ever overlook the presence of the Spirit in our lives, perhaps while taking a simple walk near the water?
“The wind blows where it wills, and you can hear the sound it makes, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes; so it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”—John 3:8
Deacon Tom
April 9, 2021
Jesus revealed himself again…
I don’t know why it is…but I feel drawn to water. I’ve mentioned before my many treks over the Atlantic, some with the Pacific as well. Time in the Gulf, the Med, and the Channel too. And then there’s driving alongside Cayuga Lake…so many trips…back to the 1970s.
Someday, maybe I’ll visit the Holy Land and that body of water that Jesus and the apostles spent much time on. Called the Sea of Tiberias in today’s Gospel…known also as the Sea of Galilee.
I can almost see the Fishers of Men, still not sure about Jesus’ resurrection. They’re afloat and head off to cast their nets. With Jesus urging, they try the side that brings 153 fish. Peter can’t wait to see Him—swims ashore. The rest follow with the boat.
“Jesus said to them, ‘Come, have breakfast.’ And none of the disciples dared to ask him, ‘Who are you?’ because they realized it was the Lord.”—John 21:12
How has Jesus revealed himself to you this Easter week?
Peace be with you! Alleluia!
Deacon Tom
April 7, 2021
What are you discussing as you walk along?
Nice weather recently. The other day, a friend and I decided to have dinner at Roundtop. After, we had a walk. God seemed close as sunset neared.
Today’s Gospel from Luke tells of two disciples on the road to Emmaus. They don’t know it was the Risen Lord walking beside them that Easter afternoon. He heard them tell of the recent events. And how that day, the women discovered Jesus was no longer in the tomb. Then He reminded them of what scripture foretold.
They invited Him to stay with them as evening was near. It’s then He blessed and broke bread and soon vanished. That’s when the pair realized who He was. And they returned to Jerusalem where the apostles were.
“The two recounted what had taken place on the way and how he was made known to them in the breaking of the bread.”—Luke 24:35
Are our hearts feeling Jesus with us this Easter week?
Deacon Tom
March 30, 2021
“Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God…“
I’ve been listening to a podcast for the last several weeks. It is a read of the Bible in a year. Only takes about a half hour a day to hear, even as you’re doing something else. Fr. Michael Schmitz has a good voice delivering the pages.
Yesterday a few verses from the first chapter of Ruth stuck with me. Together with the other three chapters, it tells the story of her family and their moves in life. She’s an ancestor of Jesus. A good connection for all of us.
Take some time to ponder…a day from Holy Thursday and then Good Friday and Easter. Who like Ruth came before us in faith leading up to Jesus?
“Wherever you go I will go, wherever you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people and your God, my God.”—Ruth 1:15-16
Deacon Tom
March 29, 2021
“Let us ask for the grace to be amazed…”—Pope Francis
I love watching flowers that come up year after year. On Sunday, daffodils readied their yellow. Tulips anticipating red and white? But the crocuses were first—pictured here in front of St. Agnes in Afton. Amazing!
In his Palm Sunday homily, Pope Francis spoke of amazement which he says “remains open to others and the newness they bring.”
The Pope asked what’s the most amazing thing about Jesus and his Passover?
“He achieves glory through humiliation. He triumphs by accepting suffering and death, things that we, in our quest for admiration and success, would rather avoid.”
Maybe take a few minutes to read the Holy Father’s entire message. You’ll be amazed.
“God continues to fill our minds and hearts with amazement.”—Pope Francis, Palm Sunday Homily 2021
Deacon Tom
March 26, 2021
Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!
I read Mark’s Gospel with others a couple days ago about Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Some didn’t understand Palm Sunday.
The word hosanna is defined as “to save, to rescue” or “savior.” Certainly a big welcome for Jesus. Yet we wonder how it changed so quickly, with the crucifixion to follow days later. Remember the reason…for our sins. And then his resurrection on Easter morning.
I have palms from a couple years ago, with other former greenery in a vase. Look for palms again in church after a one-year hiatus. Take Sunday as a “Hosanna” day. Perhaps watch the clip from Jesus Christ Superstar to get a feel for what it was like.
“Many people spread their cloaks on the road, and others spread leafy branches
that they had cut from the fields.”—Mark 11:8
Deacon Tom
March 24, 2021
Then Jesus came with them to a place called Gethsemane…
In 2013, Fr. Zandy had an idea to transform an area of the church grounds for prayer. There is the rosary garden we spoke of the other day. Another path will take you along the stations of the cross.
A nice place to pray, silent for the most part, among the trees. You may see deer and sometimes other animals. Each station is under a wooden cover. There have been several editions, due to wear from winter weather.
It’s easy to follow, beginning closest to the church and winding around the sandy path. Stop and pray. Maybe bring published prayers, such as the US Catholic Bishops Stations of the Cross for Vocations.
Perhaps try it on your own or invite the family or a friend as Lent moves into Palm Sunday and Holy Week?
“…and he said to his disciples, ‘Sit here while I go over there and pray.’”—Matthew 26:36
Deacon Tom
March 22, 2021
I am the light of the world…
The weather guy on TV said the other night that we’d be in for several days of nice weather. If I’m not mistaken, he mentioned that it would pretty much be blue sky with no clouds. Looks like he’s right with the forecast today.
I was walking near the small Mary statue on Sunday morning. I think the ground settled over the winter, so the base is tilted a bit. She’s beautiful with the sun above her. Perhaps you’ve taken time to walk and pray our living rosary that encircles the Blessed Mother near the path to the rectory?
If you have time, over the next couple of days, pay a visit with your rosaries. Pray Hail Marys in a unique setting. Maybe you can say a couple while you’re there. There’s a bench nearby if you get tired.
And consider that His light will be with you! You’ll spend some time with the sun and/or the Son too.
“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”—John 8:12
Deacon Tom
March 19, 2021
The son of David will live forever…
Just after 4:30 this morning, I tuned into a St. Joseph Day Mass live from Nazareth, just as we’ve completed the 33-day consecration. Pope Francis released a statement today on the World Day of Prayer for Vocations on April 25. Vatican News quoted part of the pope’s message.
The Holy Father said vocations should focus on “dream, service, and fidelity.” He noted that’s what led St. Joseph to care for Jesus and the Blessed Mother. And he said God calls us in a similar way.
“He does not overwhelm us with dazzling visions but quietly speaks in the depths of our heart, drawing near to us and speaking to us through our thoughts and feelings.”
“Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home. For it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her.”—Matthew 1:20
Deacon Tom
March 17, 2021
May the road rise with you….
My mother’s Irish heritage was very important to her. Every March 17th, we remembered St. Patrick. Lots of work in the days before as the kitchen became a production line for Irish soda bread. The ladies would come in the afternoon for tea, bread and of course, green mint jelly.
I rushed around a bit this morning to find her shiny green wreath, the sweater with the Irish crest, and the statue of St. Patrick. He was hiding behind some cards on top of the TV cabinet. A bit shy about having his picture taken, yet I got one snap of him.
It’s said that everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day. Perhaps, but I think it’s important to remember how he brought Christianity to Ireland some 16-hundred years ago.
There are so many prayers to share, some attributed to him, some that came after. Here’s a link to a virtual Irish Blessing, sung by members of more than 300 churches in Ireland last year. I’ll finish with the blessing that hung on my mother’s door for many years. She sometimes recited it with guests before a meal.
May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again…may God hold you in the hollow of his hand. An Old Irish Blessing
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
Deacon Tom
March 15, 2021
Here I am!
Ever been called by the Lord? Sometimes we’re not paying attention or don’t want to listen. Took three calls and many years before I answered. Just shy of 15-years since ordination now…
Moses, Abraham, Isaiah, Samuel, Jacob and Ananias were six whose calls were recorded in the Old Testament and New. It was various times, at various ages and in various ways. A burning bush, awakened from sleep, in a vision, before a sacrifice, by an angel, the voice of the Lord…
They all answered: “Here I am.”
I came across a virtual performance of Dan Schutte’s “Here I Am” by the Choir and Orchestra of St. Lillian. Interesting that this popular hymn was initially composed for a diaconate ordination. Learned that from a 2017 feature in America Magazine.
“Here I Am” was published 40 years ago. We starting singing it during Mass my junior or senior year at college. Wonder why it took me so long to respond. Are we missing His call to answer “Here I am” to help in some way during these challenging times?
“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?” “Here I am,” I said; “send me!”—Isaiah 6:8
Deacon Tom
March 12, 2021
“All the days of the earth, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, Summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.”—Gen. 8:22
We’ve had a taste of spring this week. Mostly sun, higher temperatures and a near absence of snow on the ground. So many walking outside to take in the light, the warmth and the fresh air.
Someone asked if I’d seen crocuses so far. I’ll know soon, as a neighbor has a front lawn full of them, when they come up. But…walking into church the other day…a few bits of green poking through the mulch caught my eyes. Snapped a couple of pictures.
There are so many verses in the bible about plants and growth. Take Isaiah 40:6: “All people are grass, their constancy is like the flower of the field.” The Genesis verse above and the earlier creation story as well.
As we look ahead to new growth in the coming season, I turn to St. Augustine with words to ponder:
“Before God made heaven and earth, he was not making anything. If he was making anything it could only be something created.”—Confessions, xii (14)
Deacon Tom
March 10, 2021
His mother kept all these things in her heart…
One year ago, we celebrated my mother’s 94th birthday. The day after, her health began a steady decline. She died (not of the virus) on March 21, 2020, just before the pandemic took hold. I remember how many of you supported her and the family over the years.
Helen Loretta Brown was born in Queens Village, New York, and baptized at Our Lady of Lourdes there. She was proud of her Irish-German-Swiss heritage. Green was the color for March.
This morning I was getting ready to leave for Mass in her memory. I opened the medicine chest. Mom’s morning prayers are still there. I was surprised to find a neatly folded paper. Her handwritten recipe for Irish Soda bread is now in my hands. I’ll make it soon.
My mother was very devoted to the Blessed Mother. Got me thinking of the relationship that Jesus had with his mother. Perhaps we could all pray the rosary today…maybe an extra one too…for our parents.
“He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was obedient to them; and his mother kept all these things in her heart.”—Luke 2:51
Deacon Tom
March 8, 2021
“The LORD will be your light forever; your God will be your glory.”—Isaiah 60:19
What a beautifully sunny day to visit the church grounds Sunday. Met a parishioner who I’d not seen in several weeks. A tiring day for both of us yesterday. We didn’t have a socially distant walk as many times in the last year. Just talked a bit from perhaps a dozen feet away.
We’ve all been touched by COVID. It has limited interactions with others. But we must remember continued prayer for those who have died and their families, as well as those who have recovered. And we should offer prayer for the entire world community that’s struggling with isolation and more that the virus has brought.
I’ve offered prayers recently for a friend and his young daughter in Brazil who have COVID. Just a little while ago, another friend in Italy told me they’re going into lockdown again.
In today’s Gospel from Luke, Jesus talks of drought and famine in when Elijah the prophet helped only a widow and her son. He also spoke of lepers in Elisha’s days, when only Naaman was cleansed. Certainly difficult times for people then. The hometown audience didn’t like what Jesus had to say…and wanted to do away with him. But it didn’t work.
“He passed through the midst of them and went away.”—Luke 24:30
Perhaps a reminder to put our prayers and confidence in the Light…to face the challenges ahead?
Deacon Tom
March 5, 2021
“Does the eagle fly up at your command to build his nest up high?”—Job 39:27-29
I took a virtual visit last evening around the U.S. via Explore.org webcams. Many scenes were still in daylight. Just breathtaking beauty that God has created for us. I was taken by two bald eagle “nest cams” including one on Catalina Island. I waited to see them spread their wings and fly.
Makes me think of Pope Francis…who took to the sky this morning from Rome on his first foreign trip in 15-months. Speaking at the presidential palace in Baghdad, the Holy Father said he came to Iraq “as a pilgrim of peace in the name of Christ, the Prince of Peace.”
Later he spoke to clergy and religious at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Salvation in an address covered by the Vatican News Service.
“May your witness,” he said, “matured through adversity and strengthened by the blood of martyrs, be a shining light in Iraq and beyond, in order to proclaim the greatness of the Lord and to make the spirit of this people rejoice in God our Saviour.”
Deacon Tom
March 3, 2021
“See what you have stored up for yourselves against the last days!”—James 5: 3
When the daughter of a wealthy Philadelphia family paid a visit to Pope Leo XIII, it changed her life and that of countless others since. Katharine Drexel had earlier put aside becoming a nun. Then the pope suggested she consider becoming a missionary. After some prayer and consideration, she did.
It’s been 130 years since the founding of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament. Under the guidance of Mother Katharine, they grew to serve Native and Afro-American communities. Many churches, schools and other facilities were established, including Xavier University in Louisiana.
A heart attack cut back her work at the age of 77. Mother Katharine continued on almost another 20 years until her death on this day in 1955. It’s now her feast day. The sisters have an incredible history of their foundress on their website. She was a great writer of letters, some of which are available online through the Catholic Historical Research Center of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
When Pope St. John Paul II canonized St. Katherine Drexel in October 2000, he noted how she gave her family fortune to the less fortunate.
“To her religious community, the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, she taught a spirituality based on prayerful union with the Eucharistic Lord and zealous service of the poor and the victims of racial discrimination.”—Pope John Paul II, Homily, 10/1/2000
Deacon Tom
March 1, 2021
Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing….
Remember Sister Bertrille, TV’s The Flying Nun? Actress Sally Field portrayed the 90-pound nun who was lifted off the ground by gusts of wind due to the cornette on her head. The fictional convent in Puerto Rico was named for a real saint—Tanco. He was a missionary who served in first in Belgium and then Germany where he was martyred. Tanco was a Benedictine from Ireland.
I took a virtual visit to the Emerald Isle Sunday afternoon to see a joyful group of nuns in Dublin. They’re Redemptoristine…Red Nuns for short. They “write” icons and bake altar bread. And while they don’t exactly “fly” like the make-believe Sister Bertrille…they come close. How’s that?
In the time of the pandemic…this group of cloistered nuns performed the Jerusalema Challenge. The Irish Post calls it a “gospel influenced house song by South African producer Master KG.” Watch the sisters “bust a move” to the music or clap along, depending on their physical abilities.
“Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Deacon Tom
Feb. 26, 2021
For he commands his angels with regard to you, to guard you wherever you go…
Ever have one of those days? Thursday, I was getting ready to put my computer bag in the trunk of the car. Somehow the lid came down just as I leaned in. The rim from my glasses left a cut at the top of my nose. Startled. A bit of blood. Yet OK.
Told the story to my friend last night. Then he mentioned how he slipped by his car yesterday, just missed hitting his head on the bumper, but cut his hand. Later, my brother related how he slid on his front steps, grazed the railing, but was unscathed. Possibly a busy day for our guardian angels!
I suspect the coronavirus has us all thinking a bit more when things happen nowadays. In Pope Francis’ Lenten Message, he wrote of experiencing Lent with love: “caring for those who suffer or feel abandoned and fearful because of the Covid-19 pandemic.”
“In these days of deep uncertainty about the future, let us keep in mind the Lord’s word to his Servant ‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you’ (Is 43:1). In our charity, may we speak words of reassurance and help others to realize that God loves them as sons and daughters.”
I’d add: Listen…be present…talk to and pray for others!
“…With their hands they shall support you, lest you strike your foot against a stone.”—Psalm 91:11-12
Deacon Tom
Feb. 24, 2021
Happy the one who finds a friend…
I was looking at some not-so-familiar Old Testament books last night, when I came upon the verse above. The primary writer of this Second Century B.C. wisdom book was Ben Sira. It was called the “church book” for teaching catechumens in the early days of Christianity.
Sirach wrote of 3 things pleasing to the Lord and human beings: “Harmony among relatives, friendship among neighbors, and a wife and a husband living happily together.”
My evening was not complete until I visited Italy (virtually). Strange…I couldn’t account for a stream of light that seemed to bounce around the mostly darkened chapel of St. Anthony. 801 years ago in Padua, Blessed Luke Belludi was born. At age 20, this nobleman asked to become a Franciscan.
Blessed Luke became St. Anthony’s friend and companion. He took care of him until he died. Luke was named a leader of the Franciscans. When Padua’s new city rulers shut down the government and the church in 1239, Luke prayed for intercession at Anthony’s tomb. It worked. Blessed Luke is now entombed in the Basilica which he worked to complete in St. Anthony’s name.
“Happy the one who finds a friend, who speaks to attentive ears.”—Sirach 25:9
Deacon Tom
Feb. 22, 2021
“Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.”—Psalm 31:25
Friday night and Saturday was “interesting.” Listened to chant music while preparing the weekend homily. Read some Pope Francis and Thomas Merton.
The last entry in the Holy Father’s new To Heal the World refers to the “Kingdom of darkness” in pandemic experiences. Positive and reassuring words at the end. “May God grant us to ‘virualize’ love and to ‘globalize’ hope in the light of faith.”
Merton’s In Alaska still includes sticky tabs from a presentation I gave on the hermit/monk for the 100th anniversary of his birth. Found at two yellow ones: “When things get difficult, mixed up and tense, then drop them and get to the center of peace.” And… this… “I am the answer to someone’s prayer.”
Should have paid attention to the last. Didn’t think my sermon went exactly as planned, at least on Saturday night. Better at 10 a.m.
Sunday afternoon was silent, but for sound of vegetables being chopped. Texted a photo of the finished stew to relatives. Best comment: “What is this—the cooking channel?”
“Blessed be the Lord; who has shown me wondrous love.”—Psalm 31:22
Deacon Tom
Feb. 19, 2021
Practice prayer from the beginning…
We’ve just entered Lent a couple days ago…a time of conversion with fasting…almsgiving and prayer. While many of us are spending lots of time at home with the snow and the cold and the pandemic…do we have a time and a place for prayer?
St. John Chrysostom, a bishop nicknamed “golden mouth” for his long and insightful sermons, says “prayer and converse with God is a supreme good.” He suggests that it should be from the heart and not confined to “fixed times or periods”…rather…“our spirit should long for God” in whatever we are doing.
A Doctor of the Church and gifted preacher, St. John lived a simple life and strongly urged others to do the same. Called a prophet in his time, he drew the opposition of many in the early church and died in exile. But he was an eloquent homilist who spoke of the importance of reaching out to God.
“Paint your house with the colors of modesty and humility. Make it radiant with the light of justice. Decorate it with the finest leaf of good deeds. Adorn it with the walls and stones of faith and generosity. Cross it with the pinnacle of prayer.”—St. John Chrysostom, Homily
Deacon Tom
Feb. 17, 2021
“Even now, says the Lord, return to me with your whole heart…”
Each Ash Wednesday I look forward to the Old Testament reading from the Prophet Joel. The book itself is only four chapters. While it looks to the “end times,” scholars tell us that the prevailing theme is “the day of the Lord.”
I know someone who gives up chocolate and coffee for Lent. It’s admirable to give up something, a sacrifice. While we may look to do the same, perhaps try something different too. Maybe we can cast off things in our lives that aren’t so important. It’s possible to give more to our neighbors, especially in this time of the pandemic. Make this a fruitful Lent for our souls. Don’t forget: prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
Joel reminds us to return to Him with our whole heart.
“…with fasting and weeping and mourning.” Joel 2:12
God Bless,
Deacon Tom
Feb. 15, 2021
Happy is the man who has found wisdom…
Remember that cartoon of guy sitting on a triangular mountain peak? High atop on the point is a man in robes, usually with a flowing white beard. He’s the one who people seek out for sage advice. Seems like a long way to go for an answer. It may be no further than a reading in today’s breviary from St. Bernard, the abbot. He’s writes of seeking wisdom.
Just a couple days away from the beginning of Lent, perhaps we can listen to the saint. He questions whether we’re aware that wisdom is in our hearts and on our lips if we seek it. And he says we may be too cautious in looking for it. Hmm. Ready to take that chance?
St. Bernard says wisdom can come to someone in three ways. Confess sins. Give thanks and praise. And “If your speech is edifying.” In other words, if it helps someone morally.
“Look for wisdom while it can still be found. Call for it while it is near.”—St. Bernard, sermon.
God Bless,
Deacon Tom
Feb. 12, 2021
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”—John 1:1
I’m a communicator, launched into the profession while still in college nearly 42-years ago. I’ve been “up and down” the dial at several radio stations. TV too, in front of the camera and behind the scenes—locally and NYC. Now I write…for The Catholic Sun, Faith Columns for the Press & Sun-Bulletin and here. What’s my favorite? What we used to call “broadcasting.”
This morning I listened to Sergej Prokofiev’s Romeo alla tomba di Giulietta followed by Vespers in Latin with some German mixed in. It’s from a new section of Vatican Radio that’s live-streaming. Ninety years ago today the switch was turned on at the Holy See to hear the voice of Pope Pius. Radio pioneer Guglielmo Marconi engineered the first setup.
Vatican Radio is now heard in 41 different languages “broadcasting” around the clock. A variety of short-wave transmitters are still at work, including one in Greenville, SC. The service has grown to include television as well. And now much of the content is available on the internet.
Today’s anniversary was marked by some words of Pope Francis offering well wishes. With Vatican Radio’s global reach, the message of Jesus is available to just about anyone with a computer. Amazing!
“Whoever hears my word and believes in the one who sent me has eternal life.” John 5:24
Deacon Tom
Feb. 10, 2021
“You have but one teacher and you are all brothers.” —Mt 23:8
Tomorrow is the 27th World Day of the Sick. In his message for this year’s observance, Pope Francis wrote of the theme in Matthew seen above. He said we should be there for others “to feel empathy and compassion, and to let their suffering become our own as we seek to serve them.”
The Catholic Health Association of the United States has provided a short prayer for the day. Though prepared for a group, it’s suitable for individuals too. Please click here.
February 11 is also the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, which marks the first appearance of Mary to St. Bernadette Marie Soubirous. That’s when the Blessed Mother declared she was the Immaculate Conception. Dozens of documented healings of illness have taken place there since.
A Mass from the Lourdes Basilica is live at 4 a.m. (repeated at 1130 a.m.) on EWTN. A Virtual Pilgrimage airs on EWTN at 1030 a.m. They will also be at the Lourdes website either live or by playback.
“Blessed are You for having called us, like Bernadette, to see Mary in Your light.”—From the Act of Trust in Mary from the Family of Lourdes
Paix. Peace.
Deacon Tom
Feb. 8, 2021
The law of the Lord is perfect…it gives wisdom to the simple.”—Psalm 19:8
A friend and I have seen many films together over the years, either at the theater or on DVD. Once, he brought over Bakhita: From Slave to Saint. Parts of it were not easy to watch.
It’s the story of a slave from Sudan who was given freedom in Italy. Josephine Bakhita converted to Catholicism and became a religious. She died in 1947 and was made a saint in October of 2000. At her canonization, Pope St. John Paul II called St. Josephine a “shining advocate of genuine emancipation.”
This is her Feast Day, also the Seventh World Day of Prayer, Reflection and Action Against Human Trafficking. Pope Francis said today that: “The liturgical memorial of Saint Josephine Bakhita is a powerful reminder of this dimension of faith and prayer: her witness always resonates, alive and relevant! And it is a call to place trafficked persons, their families, their communities at the center. “
St. Josephine Bakhita, we ask your intercession!
Deacon Tom
Feb. 5, 2021
“Come to me all you who are weary and heart-laden and I will give you rest.”—Matthew 11:28
When I started to come in the driveway a little while ago, I had to avoid a trash can and a recycling bin. Looking further up—toward the door—another can and bin were askew. Wait…there’s a brown bag there…and a multi-colored one almost on display. Inside, a bouquet of a variety of flowers and a box of special candy.
My birthday was a couple of months ago. Christmas season is over. Did someone leave this package at the wrong house? Searching frantically for a message inside as the wind is gusting. There it is…a sympathy card from a friend. Titled “What did Jesus say about sorrow?” Four verses including the above. It’s part of the scripture read last night during the Vigil Service for Fr. Tom Hobbes.
His funeral ended about noon today at Holy Family church. Delayed by a snowstorm, held instead on a sunny, yet cool-ish day. I hope these flowers will warm to open soon so I can see the of types and colors.
The card was a thank-you as well…for being a friend to “Father Tom.” Touches my heart so much.
“I have loved you with an everlasting love.” Jeremiah 31:3
Dc. Tom
Feb. 3, 2021
He permitted them to cross the Red Sea dry-shod…
It was 39-years ago next month that I went to Charlotte (pronounced Shar-lot) beach in Rochester. My first (and only) visit there was at the invite of my friend Diane. She wanted to take me someplace special. So, on a chilly yet sunny day we trudged through the sand.
That summer, I’d moved to New Jersey where we visited more beaches together. When I came back to Broome County a couple years later, she was then at “SUNY-Binghamton” for her masters. Those memories all brought back by Diane’s picture of a deceased fish on the shore of Lake Ontario. I took it out of the frame this morning and found another photo—of me—beneath. It was from that cold March afternoon, in the sand—camera in hand.
A reading in today’s breviary comes from St. John Fisher…namesake for our college. He was the bishop of Rochester, England who stood up to Henry VIII’s desire to divorce his wife and go against the church.
In the reading he wrote first of the Israelites crossing the sand where the Red Sea had been to escape the Egyptians. St. John Fisher reminds us how God provided much for them as they made their way across the desert. His words of about 500 years ago still apply today to remind us to be grateful for what God has given us.
“We give no thought to his love, nor do we recognize the extent of his kindness for us.”—St. John Fisher, commentary on the Psalms
Deacon Tom
Feb. 1, 2021
Prefer nothing to the Love of Christ…
I’ve been a Benedictine Oblate of the Transfiguration Monastery in Windsor for 16 years. An oblate is one who from the outside follows the Rule of St. Benedict. His words are above…the same ones I used on a prayer card for my ordination day.
I was intrigued on Sunday to read about Blessed Benedict Daswa of South Africa. He was born into a Jewish tradition of herders in a remote region there. A convert to Catholicism, his given name was Tshimangadzo which means “miracle or wonder.” After taking the baptismal name Benedict, he soon became a catechist in an area where there were few priests.
He lived by words of the Rule…Ora et labora…pray and work. Deeply faith-filled, Benedict was concerned as people sought to find a “witch” after a lightning strike damaged homes in the village. He refused to add money to the search or take part in it. He said, “My Christianity does not allow me to do this.”
A mob plotted against him. On the Feast of the Presentation, February 2, 1990, they attacked and killed Benedict. This contemporary martyr was beatified in September of 2015. His feast day is February first.
“If you remain in my word you will truly be my disciples and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”—John 8-31-32
Blessed Benedict Daswa, please pray for us!
Deacon Tom
Jan. 27, 2021
Concerning those who are asleep, do not be sad like men who have no hope…
Msgr. Putano and Fr. Jim called me last night to tell me of the death of my former pastor, mentor and friend. It was Fr. Tom Hobbes who gave me the final push to become a deacon.
Fr. Hobbes was my guidance counselor at Seton Catholic Central in the 1970s. As pastor of Christ the King, Endwell, he hired me for maintenance and other duties in 1999. I helped him move to retirement in 2008. He gave me many books from his collection then.
Fr. Hobbes was a gentle man, a faith-filled priest and sometimes strong in opinions. He enjoyed barbecues with my mom and others at my house. I was his guest at many performances of the Binghamton Philharmonic. Once, he got me to attend the opera in NYC. We took a side trip that day to Central Park to see an “orange wall” of fabric put there by artist Christo. Many memories, not much space.
He drove me many times to Alexandria Bay for the clergy conference. But something changed about 4 or 5 years ago…he pulled into the rest stop on Interstate 81 and handed me the keys. It was too much for him. His health changed in the ensuing months and he eventually moved to Vestal Park, where he was a resident until his death.
Fr. Hobbes loved his family and his parishioners. And they loved him.
“…if we believe that Jesus Christ died and rose again; God will bring forth with Jesus all who have fallen asleep believing in him.”—1Thessalonians 4:13-14
Deacon Tom
Jan. 25, 2021
The witnesses laid down their cloaks at the feet of a young man named Saul…
When I think of St. Paul, I’m often drawn first to Acts Chapter 7. St. Stephen, one of the first seven deacons, preached to a crowd who would not accept his message. It didn’t end well as they stoned him death. An original deacon became the first Christian martyr.
A young man was caught up in it all. Doesn’t exactly say Saul took part in the stoning. But he certainly didn’t accept Jesus’ teachings in the time going forward. That is—until an encounter on the road to Damascus.
Paul’s conversion is told three places in Acts. The first comes in Chapter 9, with a bright light and quick knock down. “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” He said, “Who are you, sir?” The reply came, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.” Struck blind for three days, his eyes were opened by Ananias and he was baptized. Paul also retold the story in Chapters 22 and 26.
Today we celebrate the Conversion of St. Paul, the author of 13 letters in the New Testament. Pope Francis suggested the other day that if Paul were alive today, he’d be tweeting Jesus words.
“Things like scales fell from his eyes and he regained his sight. He got up and was baptized…and he began at once to proclaim Jesus in the synagogues, that he is the Son of God.”—Acts 9: 18, 20
Deacon Tom
Jan. 22, 2021
“Try to accept what God is pleased to give you, no matter how bitter God wills it.”—St. Marianne Cope
Back in April, I wrote about Mother Marianne Cope who became St. Marianne in 2012.
Born in Germany in 1838, Barbara Koob and her family moved to the Utica when she was a young girl. They attended St. Joseph’s Church, which still exists today. She worked in a factory to support her family before joining the Franciscans.
Mother Marianne was founder of both St. Elizabeth’s, Utica and St. Joseph’s Hospital, Syracuse. She and five others went to the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1883 and eventually succeeded St. Damien on Molakai, treating the lepers. None of the sisters sent there have ever contracted leprosy in their 138-year history on the island.
Tomorrow is St. Marianne’s birthday and feast day in the Church. We’re continuing to ask her intercession in this time of pandemic through Bishop Lucia’s prayer, part of which is below:
Help us, O Blessed Mother, to be filled with confidence and trust in the tender compassion of our God. Let us not be afraid, like our own Saint Marianne Cope, who entrusted her life and ministry among the outcasts of society into the care of our Divine Physician.
St. Marianne, please pray for us!
Deacon Tom
Jan. 20, 2021
“Love one another as I have loved you”—Jn 15:12b
A couple of weeks ago a parishioner came to me with about five rosaries. I thought he wanted me to bless them. He said “Tom, I want you to have one of these. I make them by hand.” All were beautiful, the beads were in several colors.
I asked him which he thought would be good for me. He handed me a purple set. They’re on my desk now. But next time I stay overnight in Bainbridge, they’ll be with me in the bedroom to pray. What a wonderful gesture from “A”!
We’re in day three of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
The Vatican relates Jesus’ washing the feet of the disciples. Peter was reluctant at first, yet then agreed to it. The reflection tells us that Peter was “touched by the humility and gentleness.” He later followed the example “to serve the fellowship of the faithful.”
Maybe each one of us can pray a rosary today for Christian Unity. As you do, keep in mind these shared words.
“You are no longer alone; in all things you are advancing together with your brothers and sisters. With them, you are called to live the parable of community.“—The Sources of Taizé (2000) p. 48-49
With peaceful prayer for all,
Deacon Tom
Jan. 18, 2021
“Abide in my love and you shall bear much fruit.”—John 15: 5-9
For 8-days beginning January 18, there’s a week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The Pope takes part in the event with the final day of prayer, this year held virtually on Monday, January 25. During this week, all are invited to take part in any prayer.
The Gospel verse from John was picked to “express the Christian community’s vocation to pray and work for reconciliation and unity within the Church, our human family and all of creation.”
Sisters from the Monastic Community of Grandchamp in Switzerland, have prepared the resources for the week. You can join them in prayer by going their website.
Pope Francis’ part will come during next Monday’s Vespers at St. Paul’s Outside the Walls in Rome. The link to that site is here or here for the Vatican TV
Please pray for one another this week!
Deacon Tom
Jan. 15, 2021
Here I am, you called me…
We’ll read these words from the Book of Samuel on Sunday. He was confused after being awakened from a deep sleep three times. But Eli told him to listen for it again and respond: “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.” That’s when he heard God.
How’s it for us? Could it be that there’s so much going on around us that we aren’t hearing Him call us? Maybe we should try some silent time to just be with the Lord. Or direct our attention to formal prayer, alone or together in new ways.
Perhaps reach out to Lourdes, France and the grotto there. Beginning tomorrow, Saturday, January 16, they’ll be offering the Rosary and Mass in several languages for people of the world. In between are prayers to the Blessed Mother that “she may intercede for peace.” Here’s the schedule, all listings are in French Time.
To help a bit, look for the Rosary in English at 9 a.m., Mass in English at 11:15 a.m.—both our time. You can connect to their live feed by clicking here. If you miss the time, there’s a “replay” option at the same link.
“Speak Lord, your servant is listening.”—1 Samuel 3:10
Dc. Tom
Jan. 13, 2021
“Always give praise, in good times and bad…”
—Pope Francis
I read some of Aesop’s Fables last night. He was a slave who lived several hundred years before Jesus, who earned his freedom through his wisdom. Aesop delivered short messages with much to ponder.
Ever hear the expression about a wolf in sheep’s clothing? As Aesop tells it, a wolf was looking for easy living so he disguised himself as a sheep. Worked out okay until the shepherd wanted a meal so he went among the flock. Unfortunately, the disguised wolf became the supper that night…
Hmm…thinking about difficulties, things we face in everyday life and the not-so-normal months of COVID-19. In his general audience today Pope Francis addressed that point, with much to reflect on. We should praise God always, he said, including “difficult moments” as our prayer to God will allow us to “see a new panorama, a broader horizon.”
The Holy Father noted that St. Francis of Assisi praised “all the gifts of creation, and even for death, which he courageously manages to call ‘sister’.”
“Always give praise, in good times and bad, because God is the faithful Friend. This is the foundation of praise: God is the faithful Friend, and His love never fails.”—Pope Francis General Audience 1-13-2021
Deacon Tom
Jan. 12, 2021
What, I ask, is more wonderful than the beauty of God?
I was driving home from church a bit later than usual Monday afternoon when I saw the large sun setting in the sky. I should have pulled over to get a pic, but I waited the extra three minutes to get home. Just out of the car, I snapped something just as beautiful. Glad to take a breath and recall a hectic day. Can you see my thought balloon?
An early visit to the doctor’s office lasted much longer than I expected. But the six-month checkup had positive results. A quick lunch and off to a two-hour meeting by internet. Later—time to talk with parishioners by phone. And then I realized it was near sunset and time to leave. A gifted day wrapped up as I stood in the driveway and looked west. Thank You God!
Please take time today to allow Him to show you His majesty, perhaps as another sees it.
“It is natural for us to want things that are good and pleasing to the eye, even though at first different things seem beautiful and good to different people.”—From the Detailed Rules for Monks by Saint Basil the Great, bishop.
Peace and God Bless,
Deacon Tom
Jan. 8, 2021
Have mercy on me and hear my prayer…
On Tuesday, my college buddy texted me from Italy while I was on a video call to a “family” member in South America. Michael looked concerned. He asked me to pray for one of his twin daughters. One-year-old Lara is deaf. She was scheduled for implant surgery the next day. A three-continent intention was offered as from Europe, Gary said he’d pray too.
Wednesday’s world focus seemed to be the negative events in Washington. But I offer an important positive that happened that same day in Fortaleza, Brasil. Michael texted. All went well with the operation. And in two-weeks’ time, the doctors will turn on devices to allow Lara to hear for the first time. Thanks, God.
I’ve turned to prayer for myself and many others a lot this early January. I feel He has been listening.
A couple months ago I wrote that we could share ideas on prayer together as some still remain remote from church. I received several suggestions, including this: posting Prayers of Gratitude—”We all have something to be thankful for everyday even on our ‘less happy’ or ‘bad days.’” I’ll start: I’m thankful that Lara’s surgery went well.
Let me leave you with more from Psalm 4, taken from my grandmother’s Manual of Prayers, copyright 1888.
For thou, O Lord alone: hath established me in hope…
Deacon Tom
Jan. 6, 2021
They were completely astounded…
I had my first real “walk” around the church grounds this morning since the 40-inch snowfall, followed by the big rains. Lots to see. The slushy hoof prints of deer that crisscrossed near the Blessed Mother statue are melting into the grass.
A parishioner saw me taking pictures. “Another blog!” she called out.
“Yeah,” I admitted. Taking photos for this space.
Mark’s Gospel today is just after feeding of the 5,000 men. Before going off to pray, Jesus ushered the apostles into a boat. Once off shore, evening winds picked up and the waves tossed them around. Then Jesus appeared, walking on the water, planning to go past them. The disciples thought he was a ghost and cried out. They were “terrified.” Jesus boarded, spoke and the weather calmed.
Look at the photo of the Jesus figure here in a “boat” of shrubs, with lots of water in front of Him. Reminded me of the Gospel passage and our recent weather. Like the apostles, I was “astounded” when I opened the door to all that snow. I was “fearful” driving back from Chenango County on Christmas morning with raging waterways out of their banks beside the road.
I prayed hard both days, but I’m not sure I listened to his words:
“Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid.”—Mark 6:50
Deacon Tom
Jan. 4, 2021
You are children of eternity. Your immortal crown awaits you…
Back with you after a few days away from here between Christmas and New Year’s Day. I went looking for a high school yearbook this morning. I started there a year before our patron became the first American saint in 1975. Our principal, Fr. Van Amburgh, often led us in prayer for her.
Elizabeth Ann Seton was born in 1774 in New York City. Baptized in the Episcopal Church, she married and had five children. Her husband took ill and they went to Italy where he died. That’s where Elizabeth converted to Catholicism.
Back home in NY, her friends didn’t accept her new faith as she tried to help young people. Eventually she moved to Maryland where she founded the first parochial school in the United States. She also formed the Sisters of Charity which grew in numbers after her death on this day 200 years ago.
The National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton is located in Emmitsburg, MD, where she is buried. A short film on her life was released by the shrine on her memorial today. Please click here to see it.
“The best of Fathers waits there to reward your duty and love. You may indeed sow here in tears, but you may be sure there to reap in joy.”—St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (from a conference to her spiritual daughters.)
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, please pray for us!
Deacon Tom