Forming community within our parish through social and small group gatherings.
Coffee Hours
Coffee Hours are typically held after all masses on the first full weekend of the month from September to June, unless there is a special celebration planned for that weekend. Coffee Hour is a ministry which brings the parish together for socialization.
The CYO program starts in Kindergarten and runs through High School and is open to boys and girls. There is a skills development program for K-2, Grades 3-4 and 5-6 is primarily for development and learning the rules in actual games against other area CYO teams. Grades 7-12 are part of the Broome County CYO program, 7-8th grade is the “Grammar Division”, 9-10th grade is “Junior Varsity” and 11-12th grade is “Varsity”. We hope that our Christian programs produce responsible, happy, sociable and productive citizens.

The hospitality ministry provides receptions for sacramental rites and other celebrations throughout the year.
Men’s Club
The annual IGNITE conference, held in the spring in Syracuse, is the inspiration for activities among men of the parish. A retreat in late spring is offered to those who attended IGNITE as well as other interested parishioners. Community prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours is being offered on a semi-regular basis each month. Anyone interested in the Men’s Club is asked to contact the parish office.
Parish Library
The library was created and is maintained by the Young At Heart Seniors Club. It is located in the corner of Msgr. Giblin Hall. Donation of books/tapes are supplied by parishioners.

Picnic Committee
The annual parish picnic is a popular event held each year either during the Summer or early Fall. The parish grounds are transformed into a venue that includes an outdoor Mass, picnic buffet dinner, outdoor games for all ages, and basket raffles. Seating is both outdoors and in Msgr. Giblin Social Hall.
Women’s Club Ministry
The Women’s Club Ministry is a social, spiritual, and service-orientated women’s organization which works toward the success of the parish family. The Women’s Club Ministry meetings cover a wide range of interests and activities throughout the year. A yearly calendar is posted in the vestibule with sign-up sheets for meetings and activities. The goal is to create and nurture friendships while “giving back” to our parish community.
Young At Heart Seniors Club
The goal of this group is socialization for our most senior church members. Lunches are planned every couple of months and there are about 1-2 bus trips a year. The group meets once a month after morning Mass. No age limit to join and no fees.