- Welcome to our parish website - WELCOME! Welcome to St. Vincent de Paul Blessed Sacrament Parish! Thank you forcoming to our website. We are a Roman Catholic Community of disciples in Vestal, NY. We are a Parish Family that strives to make God’s Kingdom come tofruition in our world. The most important thing that we do as a Parish Family is togather for Sunday Eucharist. In this, our weekly meal, Jesus Christ become presentin our midst. As we all are nourished with the Body and Blood of Jesus in theEucharist, we are strengthened to go forth and be His witnesses in the world.I would like to...
Bishop Lucia’s Pastoral Letter – With Liberty and Justice For All - Original Link: With Liberty and Justice For All
Immaculata Award - Congratulations from our St. Vincent de Paul Blessed Sacrament Parish to Joe and Louise Kurutz on receiving the Immaculata Award yesterday! It was a great day!
Deacon Sunday! - Thank you Deacon Greg and Deacon Tom for all that you do for our Parish! We appreciate you!
Priesthood Sunday! - Thank you Father Jim for all that you do!
Men in Black Recap! -
Parish Picnic 2024! - https://www.facebook.com/reel/1055254779343582
Hope Appeal Coming Soon! -
Rite of Candidacy! -
Bishop Lucia Announces Pastoral Assignments -
Bishop Lucia’s Confirmation Homily -
Confirmation! - Congratulations to our Confirmation students that completed their Confirmation with Bishop Lucia last weekend! This is the next generation of St. Vincent de Paul!!!
First Holy Communion - May God bless our young Parishioners this Saturday as they receive their First Holy Communion.
Holy Hour Tonight - Praise and Worship Holy Hour tonight from 6pm- 7pm.
Coffee Hour! - Hey parishioners, guess what this weekend is?! Coffee hour after both weekend Masses! Feel free to bring your favorite treat that you like to have with your coffee! Everything is welcomed! See you there!
Volunteers Needed! - We need so MULCH help!!! Many hands make light work! We are looking for volunteers to help our grounds keeping crew on Saturday 4/27 @ 9am to mulch the outside of the church. Let’s take pride in the grounds of our beautiful parish! For details contact the Parish office.
- Easter Sunday Masses - Easter Masses will take place at 6:30am outdoors for sunrise, and 10:15am indoors. #Christhasrisen
- The Light is on For You - The Light is on For You today 4pm-7pm
- Palm Sunday -
- Lent Out Loud! - Tomorrow is our final Lent Out Loud! Join us to help with this important cause of giving back to the community!
- Stations of the Cross - Stations of the Cross here tonight at 6pm.