“One thing only I ask you, that you remember me at the altar of the Lord wherever you may be.” Confessions by St. Augustine

I was washing some dishes the other day.  The hand towel had gotten a bit wet, so I reached into the kitchen drawer to get another.  I found the one pictured above. I know my mom carefully chose this one in particular.  But didn’t realize until some pondering the importance of just two little words…Have Faith.

There’s a lot on my “plate” these days. Serving in pastoral care here in Vestal and as deacon administrator in Bainbridge-Afton. Keeps me busy.  Yet there’s much to do at the house in Endwell where Mom spent so many years.  A few things to take care of inside and outside the dwelling.  It seems a bit much for one person at times. I wonder if my mom is offering prayers for me to accomplish all I need to do.

This week is the Memorial of a very determined mother, St. Monica.  She offered prayer for nearly a couple decades that her son would find his faith.  Monica followed Augustine wherever he went, always in prayer.  Once she’d seen him become a “Catholic Christian” her work on earth was done. (Here is her quote above.) August 27 is the day Monica is remembered.

The following day—August 28 is the Memorial of St. Augustine. He became a bishop, a doctor of the Church.  Augustine wrote much, including Confessions.  If you’ve not read it, try to take some time.  Well written and difficult to put down when you’ve started.  He died nearly 1,600 years ago, but his work is fresh today.

Think of all our busy lives, remember Monica and Augustine and two simple words to guide us: “Have Faith.”

“You called, you shouted and you broke through my deafness.” Confessions, St. Augustine


Deacon Tom