Revelation 3:20

I get a lot of calls each day on my cell phone. While I was in the office at St. John’s in Bainbridge Tuesday it rang again. I saw my sister’s name appear and answered quickly. She told me she was at my house, dropping off a gift. She reached inside the screen door. Then the front door opened into the living room on its own. Seemed secure when I got home later, yet the door needs the deadbolt to stay locked.
Nice way to start a first blog of the new year. Thought of an image of Jesus that’s been repeated many times over. He’s at a door. You see one of his hands knocking. He seems to be listening for movement or a voice. Will that door open? Good question for us all.
Did I mention that there’s no knob or handle on the door? So it is not possible for Jesus to open it and walk in. It has to be opened from the inside. Something for us to consider as 2025 moves along.
Listen for Jesus. Be open to Him. Let Him in.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in you.
Deacon Tom