“God, you have taught me from my youth;
to this day I proclaim your wondrous deeds.” Psalm 71:17
I was visiting parishioners recently. Usually, we take a few minutes to chat about various things before I give them the Eucharist. This day though there was a long silence. Then some not so easy questions. Silently, I asked the Holy Spirit for help. I was able to respond.
I gave some suggestions too: ask for the intercession of St. Monica. Her prayers over nearly a couple decades helped guide her son Augustine to the faith. Baptized by St. Ambrose, he became a bishop, and doctor of the church. The author of Confessions also became a saint.
There was one more thing shared with me during that visit. Really touched and inspired the rest of my day. While preaching some five-plus years ago I offered a personal story. I told how I pick up Rosaries during restless nights and pray to help me sleep. And it was remembered this week.
“My lips will shout for joy as I sing your praise;
my soul, too, which you have redeemed.” Psalm 71:23
Deacon Tom