Build a chapel here…

In the past year and a half and more, I’ve written many words for you. Several times I’ve been drawn to Lourdes, France. That’s where the Blessed Mother appeared to St. Bernadette Soubirous, a peasant girl. And it’s where Mary said she was the Immaculate Conception.
To date, 70 people have been healed by the waters at Lourdes. Someday I’d like to visit there in person. I’ve made connections virtually, watching Mass and mostly joining in with the Rosary from there. I’ve sent prayer petitions too.
Took some time the other night to visit again. I reread the Blessed Mother’s message. I also learned five things I didn’t know about the Sanctuary at Lourdes. Check out the link here.
While you’re on the website, check out Lourdes TV. Join in a Rosary.
“Que soy era Immaculada Counceptiou.”
“I am the Immaculate Conception.”
Deacon Tom